26 Feb 2012

*Scape fleamarket sales

Firstly, I wanna thank Baohui and Rach from T5 for helping out + sharing rental cost for my 2nd fleamarket sales organized by Flock to shop.

Bad location with not-good-enough crowd today even though the area our booth was situated at was air-conditioned.

Sold a few items and wasted the entire day setting up/helping out for R & B's the shift/doing sales and getting distracted by the pretty gals and clothes from the next booth.

Nonetheless, had a super exhausting but fruitful time being a salesgirl once again. This time, instead of selling clothes for my ex-boss at Holland V, I was helping myself, my partners and other "stakeholders" promote our items. It's an entirely different kinda experience cos I'm earning for MY own booth, working towards an overall target I personally set for the shop. In addition, I was the main organizer for this flea, so i kinda learnt more about time management, partners negotiation/communication, logistics, admin, splitting of work, contacting of "sponsors"/other girlfriends who wish to deposit their items at the booth at a reasonably cheap rate, recording of sales.

I didn't accomplish everything by myself though. I want to thank bee for helping me with all the manly manpower he provided me with to and back from *Scape. Thanks Baohui for being so punctual and the "price tags". Thank you Rach for the table cloth and rushing back down from Changi to help pack up the booth. Thank you Kelly, Lianne, Yawen and Nadya for being shareholders for the booth even though the crowd traffic was quite disappointing,


Nevertheless, congrats to The-Hodgepodge on their decently good sale at the Sky terrace today!

I'd like to give a short review on my organizer, Flock to Shop.

I think alot alot more could be done on publicity. Most of my customers didn't know there was another bazaar on the 2nd and 4th level, which explains for the lack of good crowd. About 3-4 tables at the air-conditioned area (Level 2, outside Sakae Sushi/Kbox) were not occupied - another proof that even publicity to vendors wasn't adequate. When Leo, Baohui and I went upstairs to look for the organizer to register for our booth, she was nowhere to be found. In the end, she did not even take attendance for my booth. The entire 4th floor was disorganized and messy as vendors were free to shift their tables and chairs to whichever part of the Sky terrace that they liked. Worst thing is that the crowd that we have was 1/10 that of the open-air bazaar organized by ScapeBazaar. Despite the risk of a downpour, I think it's still more worth it to set up a booth in the open area outside Scape.

Anw, after the flea, Mr Mah, Leo's dad brought us to TGIF @ Heeren and treated us to dinner. As usual i didn't have much.

Mushroom soup shared between Leo and I.
Rich and creamy, but 8.90++ :/

Stuff mushrooms.
Yummy but small serving. 7.90++

This is the main dish. One pint all to myself. 13.90++

Had an enjoyable time chatting w Mr Mah about sho many things - his crazy biking days, getting drunk at the bus stops outside Butter factory and waking up to the Monday clusters of office ladies/men staring at the 17-yo delinquents - like father like son. Tsk. 2 hours of chitchat session (at the expense of my already insufficient midterms revision time) to find out that his dad is really knowledgeable, hilarious and young-at-heart. :) Bee also claimed that his dad is one true opponent at pool that he enjoys playing against. ;) Like father like son, part 2.

Alright time to sleep and get enough rest for the tuition marathon + adole psych mugging marathon tmr.

Nights. :)


P/s: I won a pair of movie tickets to GALA PREMIERE of John Carter this coming Monday, the day before my 25% midterms!! :x AND my date is none other than the spicy hot SIA stewardess-to-be...

Kelly. <3 See ya dear!

P/p/s: Happy 46th Monthniversary Bee!! <3

P/p/p/s: Lianne, I miss you (and travelling with you)!!
21 Feb 2012

Upcoming movie: John Carter (+ What i hope Mars would look like :3)

Blogging here cos I wanna win free tickets from Nuffnang to the GALA PREMIERE of John Carter, which is releasing on 8th March! :)

It'll be portraying the experiences of a war-weary soldier who got transported onto Mars (aka Barsoom in the story), and eventually became a hero of the planet. And according to Leonard, the storyline will be very cliché, but don't care i love action movies, especially when there are topless guys running about. (Haix think I'm influenced by Nadya jie alr. Don't blame me ar Leonard Ma)

"The story comes from a novel written by Burroughs who famously wrote the story of Tarzan. "John Carter in all his well-sculpted grandeur has left a trail of honor, courage, brute strength and otherworldly romance from novels to comics, TV and now the big screen in 3D. The movie prepares to blow minds with a star cast (Taylor Kitsch as John Carter and Lynn Collins as Princess of Helium) and expert story-telling, led by winning director Andrew Stanton who absolutely loves the story." -Nuffnang

If I were to get teleported there somehow, I'd really like to explore if what i knew about Mars is true.
Mandy, the tutee, showed me this really short description of Mars of her Disney Mickey Mouse encyclopedia:

"Mars is called the red planet because of its rocky, orange-red soil...

Mars sky always looks pink or pale orange in color.

Mars has 2 moons which are not round in shape - Phobos and Deimos."

It's a given that I love to romantize things. :3
I'd hope that either Phobos or Deimos is in the shape of a <3 and the other in a slim and pretty normal  crescent shape.
Also, with 2 moons hanging around, there'll be a higher likelihood of catching sights of the moons across the pinkish sky. :D
Can you just imagine it? The thought of pink sky with heart-shaped moon. :D Like a pretty only!

If Mars is really like this, I'll try all possible ways to get my beloved ones to come over once in awhile for a retreat from school/work/Earth.
At night, I can bring Leonard to moon-gaze (or the other way round) or jio my girlfriends out into the open under the moons and stars to HTHT.
Better still, my Best Bros for life and I can also get a few bottles of good beer, sit around in the open to chillax and talk about everything that we've missed out in each others' lives. CK, Ervin, Chao - miss yall! :')

I think in the day time, the sun would be quite awesome for sun-tanning.
Can put on bikini, read a book on Psychology; taking sips of cocktail while busking under the sun. That's life. No lectures/tutorials/15-page readings/articles.

Ofkox from the look of the youtube trailer of John Carter, its depiction of Mars is ... not so romantic. :s
To be frank, if Mars looks like this with all the monsters and the sun being so scorching (and no aircon somemore), I'll rather stay on Earth. My nose is sensitive to dust + i loathe being exposed to heat over long periods despite my love for the sun (on the beach) = No Mars (as depicted in the trailer) for me thank you very much.
Anw, if human happen to set foot on Mars to find that its environment is ok for human living condition, I'd really  hope that we build up Mars to become a retreat/entertainment haven. No stress, just play!

Read on for some pics and synopsis:


"From Academy Award®–winning filmmaker Andrew Stanton comes “John Carter”—a sweeping action-adventure set on the mysterious and exotic planet of Barsoom (Mars). “John Carter” is based on a classic novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, whose highly imaginative adventures served as inspiration for many filmmakers, both past and present. The film tells the story of war-weary, former military captain John Carter (Taylor Kitsch), who is inexplicably transported to Mars where he becomes reluctantly embroiled in a conflict of epic proportions amongst the inhabitants of the planet, including Tars Tarkas (Willem Dafoe) and the captivating Princess Dejah Thoris (Lynn Collins). In a world on the brink of collapse, Carter rediscovers his humanity when he realizes that the survival of Barsoom and its people rests in his hands."

Catch John Carter in cinemas this 8 March 2012. Like the Official Disney Studios Singapore Facebook Page and follow@DisneystudiosSG on Twitter!


P/s: Trying to get settled down to start on Midterms revision proper. I just need to get started, and the natural momentum will come. Go Ziwei and everyone else trying to start studying!
16 Feb 2012

Long post on my Ideal V'day with many :) pics! <3

Yoz. I should be muggin. But this V'day deserves to be blogged, so I'm gonna preserve its fuzzy-ness all here cos I'm so damn satisfied with bee's effort for this year's V'day.

Some of my friends find V'day overrated while I find it overly commercialized. Just let me describe briefly how NUS was like that day.

Prices of flowers and chocolates rocketed up and many fund-raising student groups capitalized on this festive atmosphere to sell V'day-related gifts like flowers, balloons, ice cream, candies, da da da da and so on. So many of such bench-shops around AS6 and central library in NUS on V'day. To add on to positive mood congruence, all student-populated corridors were decorated with hearts and balloons, inducing a more joyous mood which puts everyone in a stronger inclination to spend $$ on V'day goodies to maintain and prolong their happiness. (What I learnt on Emotions tutorial on V'day itself: Mood Maintenance Model) How coincidental. LOL.

So yes, Leo and I got swirled into this V'day frenzy and spent quite a bit of money on each other, especially Leo. (Thanks bee! <3) Let me just go into my Perfect Romantic Valentine's Day with bee with pictures.

Spent the night over at Leo's and this is our first pic taken at midnight of V'day. Guilty at the carbo intake. But I only let loose on my diet for 1 day, don't be so harsh on me ok tummy. :/

On the way to school together on V'day! <3

V'day isn't a public holiday but I'm glad I went to school cos this pic (taken on V'day) of all my chiobu Powerpsych girlfriends is sooooo pwetty! Our first pic with 5 of us tgt. CAP 5.0 PEOPLE! <3

Fully handmade jar of roses. Bee spent about 3 days to fold the 30++ small roses inside the heart-shaped jar + the handmade huge deco  flower. Really very touched by this present cos it's so beautiful despite Leo's claim that he's artistically-impaired. Bee, you're talented lor! The colour combo of the tiny roses and different shades of pink and red of the big rose go so compatibly together!

My 30min hand-drawn cartoon portrait of bee. Does it look like Leo? :D

I knew Leo's gonna get my flowers, but I didn't expect it to cost near to a 100bucks! Wts! Bee so generous, I'm so touched. <3

Leo's self-composed poem! Meaningful. <3

"Roses are red,

Violets are blue.

Our love remains fresh,

Like the morning dew."

The feeling is still as fresh as when we just started 4 years ago. :')

Blessed girl i am! :D

What made it more perfect is the fortunate chance of my cozycot V'day picture submission being handpicked by Jeraldine to win a 100$ takeaway at The Body Shop! Got ourselves 4 items - 2 perfumes (1 for Leo, 1 for myeslf) which costs about 40$ each, my favourite strawbie-scented shower gel and newly-launched Chocomania lipbalm. ALL FOR FREE!! THANK YOU COZYCOT! :D

Bee and his new perfume set with super fresh and atas fragrance. :)

My boy so cute with the bouquet! :3

The least unglam/fat-faced picture of me that day. :D

Simple dinner at TCC @ Ion Orchard since both of us couldn't tahan the hunger any longer. Awesome treat to ourselves (despite the carbo again) though. HazelChocz milk shake damn sinful but AWESOME! Seriously, double-assured me that i didn't choose my blog name wrongly! So yummeh! :3 Mussel clam soup as appetizer, Chicken wings as starters, Crispy Oyster with Sauteed Mushroom pasta as main course. Perfect satisfaction for a V'day meal.

I guess its quite a pity that we didn't get any e-coupon Valentine deal earlier but I guess it's still not too late to visit Deal.com.sg to get some cheap deals for post-vday retreat during the upcoming recess week.  ;) *VERY SUBTLE HINT HINT WINK WINK, LEONARD MA* :3

Oh yea before I forget, Leo and I took part in a V'day contest on Cozycot and I really want to win this 1 night stay at Boutique hotel, but I'm still 60+ votes short to get the highest number of votes. Please bang bang mang and click a fb like on my photo titled "To Leonard Ma" at this website http://www.cozycot.com/fest/photos. THANKS SO MUCH IN ADVANCE!!! All voters' 10 seconds of effort put in to vote in much appreciated! Thanks!!!!!!

Time to sleep. :D Good night cupcakes! :p Full-day mugging for the next 2 days. :/


P/s: I'd probably come up with another recording during the upcoming recess week amidst the midterms revision. Stay tuned. :D

P/p/s: Will be doing a product review for the newly-launched Loreal Youth Code skincare essence in an upcoming post too. The effects is evidently noticeable in less than 1 week! Cool right! :D
13 Feb 2012

My new idol!

DONNIE YEN SO HOTS!!! *faints*

Hearts. :3

P/s: My bee is still the best anyway. <3 you the most Leonard Ma!
12 Feb 2012

Too sexy la! Walao!


Perky ass there, but looks like her spine is seriously about to break! :s

He's suave. (Y)

I'm doing backup dancing on this song.

Come for Emerge!! :D

11 Feb 2012



No song cover/picture/reviews today.

I just need to rant cos I'm soooo tired. :(

The cortisol (stress hormones) level has been increasing exponentially as the weeks pass by. I won't attribute it to the amount of things on my to-do-list. I'd blame my lousy time management instead.

Shouldn't have done the covers on impulse. The techniques were all messy. :( Wasted quite a few hours just to play with my new condenser mic. It's a baby step nonetheless la. At least i got things started. #justselfconsoling

I really thank you guys for all the encouragement and constructive feedback you nice people have given me! I'll try to improve definitely. Planning to give it a short break for serious study business at the moment though.

There are seriously sooooo many things pending on my to-do-list even though I'm only taking 4 modules! Emerge is like a 5th + 6th + 7th modules lah! Faints. Glad the dance is about 99% done! Need to work on the 1% of fine-tuning and synchronizing of dance moves with my damn hot partner and dancers! Anyway, just some updates, I'll be doing a second item as a backup dancer to help my friend out. Another smoking sexy dance item as well. SO PLEASE DO COME DOWN AND SUPPORT. Refer to details here! Thanks.

I need to catch up with those readings this weekend so badly! Feeling super insecure lagging behind in readings for 2 of my modules! Time to CHIONG ARH tmr!!!

Next week is a busy week. Will be doing recording, meeting up with dancers an extra day other than Friday the official CCA day, spending another full day (4-11pm) dancing for Express, learning another dance for G's item, headache about item and photoshoot outfit and train up the voice for Express's versus and chorus + practise dancing and screaming singing IN HEELS. :/

Not to forget, readings and animal behavior project.

The only thing I'm looking forward to next week is probably Valentine's Day. <3

Time to stop ranting and go back to recording of lecture that i missed. (Thanks Shiya :))


P/s: The next song I'll be working on is gonna be a Bruno Mars work. Guess! :D
10 Feb 2012

Express (Burlesque) Intro - Ziwei's version

Hey friends!

Please come and support Kelly and I for our last concert with

NUS CAC Voices, Emerge 2012.

We'll be doing the ENTIRE MTV DANCE with FULL SEXY OUTFIT, with 3 HAWT backup dancers.

Click play button to listen to my personal version!

If it's still decent, imagine the joint GIRLS POWER Kelly and I (and all the leggy dancers) will be presenting to all of you that day.

[audio http://uploads3.mp3songurls.com/1267612.mp3]


Venue - St James Powerhouse

Date - 10th March 2012

Day - Saturday night

Time - About 6.30-10pm

Ticket price - 20$

(with 1 complimentary alcoholic drink and free entry for after-party at Powerhouse!)

Contact me through any of these means to reserve your tickets! <3


8 Feb 2012

Jar of Hearts - Christina Perri (Ziwei's cover)

Hey guys!

This is my first attempt on a personal song recording.

Reason being, I wanna start my own humble collection of covers by myself on this blog.

The purpose behind is to improve my singing techniques and skills, slowly but surely.

Not gonna touch video recording first. So, just click the play button below and enjoy! :)

Jar of Hearts (Ziwei's cover)

[audio http://uploads3.mp3songurls.com/1266538.mp3]

Really love this song, range abit low for me though. Hope it doesn't sound too bad.

Please leave your feedback and comments under this entry! I'd greatly appreciate it! :D


P/s: It's definitely imperfect, I'll improve! Please support ok! <3

7 Feb 2012

Movie review in Psych perspective: Chronicle

Hope i don't become a spoiler reviewing this movie.

As a Psychology student, it's inevitable that i link up things i'm exposed to in my daily life to stuff i learnt in school. So instead of doing a cliché review of narrating and promoting the movie, i'll see what i can come up with. :3

It was the first time i watched a movie purely through the lens of video cameras. The effects were much better and cooler than expected as it didn't make me feel dizzy any bit throughout the movie.

The movie started with the depiction of an abused teenager Andrew. The avoidant attachment style he had adopted towards his father since young made him develop inferiority, low agreeableness and high neuroticism. Despite those trauma he faced at home, he discovered his possession of a hidden talent in superpower manipulation after coming across a crystalline meteor with 2 other playful mates.

I'd highly suspect that Andrew had developed schizoid personality disorder as patients with schizoid PD lack interest in social relationships and prefer to engage in solitary activities. Andrew simply turned away the concern and care from his fellow buddies after mastering the use of his superpowers and subsequently indulged in philosophical readings on Darwin's theories. The problem with SPD demonstrated in the movie would be Andrew immersing himself in his internal fantasy world when he realised fiction had come to life in his attainment of the superpower. Obsession in his belief of Darwin's natural selection theory pushed him to explore his newly-attained abilities to the extent of exploiting them. On the other hand, i didn't think Andrew's one hardcore hopeless SPD case as he still sought for love and recognition from his cousin of which he got an ambiguous reply in return. The misinterpretation that he didn't mean anything to his best buddy/cousin resulted in all the tragedies that followed. Lesson here: Please say "I love you too" to your important ones, be it brother, sister, cousin, buddy, boyfriend, girlfriend when they pop "do you love me?" k! <3

It's quite saddening to witness the uncontrollable deterioration of the mental health in an untreated student with PD. A supposed superhero with anti-social personality disorder. How scary is it if this fictional character actually exists around us?! Anti-social personality disorder is defined by the US National Library of Medicine as "a mental health condition in which a person has a long-term pattern of manipulating, exploiting, or violating the rights of others." Criminals act ruthlessly because they feel no empathy, sympathy, compassion and remorse towards any others affected by their actions. This deficiency in these functional emotions in someone who possesses superpowers will unquestionably bring about chaos all around.

I couldn't help but to come up with some of these associations between the movie content and what i study in school everyday.

I won't say it's as good as Black Swan as a psych thriller but its combination with the dramatic actions makes it worth watching with your date this weekend. <3


P/s: Please support my first try on movie review by commenting. Thanks in advance.
6 Feb 2012

22nd! (Part 1)


So. I'm 22. Getting used to this age. Somehow I'm looking forward more to adulthood, adult working life.

Pictures in the above slideshow only consists of 3 outings/celebrations:

  • First out-of-school dinner with my PowerPsych Girls M and Q at Ramen Champion at Bugis Iluma, then Ice cream man for dessert. I'm really thankful to have known these girls in my uni life. They helped me in my Psych modules and shared so much joy and woes mugging tgt. Jiayou girls!!

  • Dinner at Ma Maison Restaurant at Central with Bee, BBFL (Best Bros for life) Jon and Seb + CK, chillax drinking session at Beer Market with BBFL CK, Ervin, Nadya and Seb and mild clubbing at Attica with Chao and the rest. We definitely need more of this kinda just-chill gatherings every now and then but probably not back to Attica again? The crowd was quite pathetic that night. Or maybe i'm too old for clubs alr. 22 alrd!! :(

  • Heartwarming dinner date at Medzs at Orchard Central with Bee, best girlfriend Lianne and her bf, Jo. Really happy to see my favourite girlfriend for the longest time again after 4 months of her enjoying shopping and beautiful scenery in Canada for SEP. Thanks sooooo much for the Too-faced Smokey Eye makeup palette! Love it mega lots!

I'm gonna blog about the 3 surprise bday celebs for the next entry cos i realised i don't have the pics in my lappy-for-school now. They're definitely blog-worthy! <3<3

Short review on some places i visited:

Ramen Champion - the seasoned eggs are supposed to be the highlight of the trip since i hadn't tried it before. But i have no idea why I didn't like the taste! So disappointed with myself. About 5-6 ramen stalls within Ramen Champion, like the concept of Marché and Medzs, you order with a card and pay before you leave the place. My recommendation would be the 2nd last stall from inside, named Bario. If you're on diet/have a small appetite, take the half-ramen which is about half the price of the normal sized bowl which gives a damn huge serving. Thanks ah Qian for the recommendation! :D Spent less than 10$! (Y)

Ma Maison Restaurant - loved the Escargot!!!! Served in pretty shells unlike those at Saizeriya which are served on hot plates. There shouldn't be a huge difference in taste though. Had steak for dinner. Not bad. Spent about 30$, price a lil steep but my birthday celebration ok, birthday girl is allowed to enjoy good food! :3

Beer Market - thank you nadya for the recommendation. The place is damn cool even though it may not be economical. The prices of different beer fluctuate like the stock market figures depending on the drinkers' demand for different beers. If you're looking at finger food, order the honey fried chicken wings! Damn damn tasty!!

Medzs - I won't especially promote this place to my friends due to its limited variety of food, stingy portions and expensive prices. The payment system works like that of Marché. The ambiance would be slightly better than Marché ito having lower noise level and a more classy setting.

Apologies on the no-substance entry. I have so much deep deep thoughts that i want to pen down here! But it'll be totally irrelevant to the birthday entry. Shall save it till I actually take some actions so they don't become "empty thoughts.

Look out for the next few entries. Really.


P/s: Bee, i'll support you in your goals and plans. Keep your promises! <3

P/p/s: Friends, would greatly appreciate it if you guys help to click on the title of the post and like/rate the post to let me have an idea whether my effort in doing some reviews of food places for you guys' reference is useful. :) I'd be slowly but steadily updating this corner. Will be doing an advert/product review soon! Maybe you can spend a little bit of time to leave a comment to suggest what i can include too. Thanks! <3
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