6 Feb 2012

22nd! (Part 1)


So. I'm 22. Getting used to this age. Somehow I'm looking forward more to adulthood, adult working life.

Pictures in the above slideshow only consists of 3 outings/celebrations:

  • First out-of-school dinner with my PowerPsych Girls M and Q at Ramen Champion at Bugis Iluma, then Ice cream man for dessert. I'm really thankful to have known these girls in my uni life. They helped me in my Psych modules and shared so much joy and woes mugging tgt. Jiayou girls!!

  • Dinner at Ma Maison Restaurant at Central with Bee, BBFL (Best Bros for life) Jon and Seb + CK, chillax drinking session at Beer Market with BBFL CK, Ervin, Nadya and Seb and mild clubbing at Attica with Chao and the rest. We definitely need more of this kinda just-chill gatherings every now and then but probably not back to Attica again? The crowd was quite pathetic that night. Or maybe i'm too old for clubs alr. 22 alrd!! :(

  • Heartwarming dinner date at Medzs at Orchard Central with Bee, best girlfriend Lianne and her bf, Jo. Really happy to see my favourite girlfriend for the longest time again after 4 months of her enjoying shopping and beautiful scenery in Canada for SEP. Thanks sooooo much for the Too-faced Smokey Eye makeup palette! Love it mega lots!

I'm gonna blog about the 3 surprise bday celebs for the next entry cos i realised i don't have the pics in my lappy-for-school now. They're definitely blog-worthy! <3<3

Short review on some places i visited:

Ramen Champion - the seasoned eggs are supposed to be the highlight of the trip since i hadn't tried it before. But i have no idea why I didn't like the taste! So disappointed with myself. About 5-6 ramen stalls within Ramen Champion, like the concept of Marché and Medzs, you order with a card and pay before you leave the place. My recommendation would be the 2nd last stall from inside, named Bario. If you're on diet/have a small appetite, take the half-ramen which is about half the price of the normal sized bowl which gives a damn huge serving. Thanks ah Qian for the recommendation! :D Spent less than 10$! (Y)

Ma Maison Restaurant - loved the Escargot!!!! Served in pretty shells unlike those at Saizeriya which are served on hot plates. There shouldn't be a huge difference in taste though. Had steak for dinner. Not bad. Spent about 30$, price a lil steep but my birthday celebration ok, birthday girl is allowed to enjoy good food! :3

Beer Market - thank you nadya for the recommendation. The place is damn cool even though it may not be economical. The prices of different beer fluctuate like the stock market figures depending on the drinkers' demand for different beers. If you're looking at finger food, order the honey fried chicken wings! Damn damn tasty!!

Medzs - I won't especially promote this place to my friends due to its limited variety of food, stingy portions and expensive prices. The payment system works like that of Marché. The ambiance would be slightly better than Marché ito having lower noise level and a more classy setting.

Apologies on the no-substance entry. I have so much deep deep thoughts that i want to pen down here! But it'll be totally irrelevant to the birthday entry. Shall save it till I actually take some actions so they don't become "empty thoughts.

Look out for the next few entries. Really.


P/s: Bee, i'll support you in your goals and plans. Keep your promises! <3

P/p/s: Friends, would greatly appreciate it if you guys help to click on the title of the post and like/rate the post to let me have an idea whether my effort in doing some reviews of food places for you guys' reference is useful. :) I'd be slowly but steadily updating this corner. Will be doing an advert/product review soon! Maybe you can spend a little bit of time to leave a comment to suggest what i can include too. Thanks! <3

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