16 Feb 2012

Long post on my Ideal V'day with many :) pics! <3

Yoz. I should be muggin. But this V'day deserves to be blogged, so I'm gonna preserve its fuzzy-ness all here cos I'm so damn satisfied with bee's effort for this year's V'day.

Some of my friends find V'day overrated while I find it overly commercialized. Just let me describe briefly how NUS was like that day.

Prices of flowers and chocolates rocketed up and many fund-raising student groups capitalized on this festive atmosphere to sell V'day-related gifts like flowers, balloons, ice cream, candies, da da da da and so on. So many of such bench-shops around AS6 and central library in NUS on V'day. To add on to positive mood congruence, all student-populated corridors were decorated with hearts and balloons, inducing a more joyous mood which puts everyone in a stronger inclination to spend $$ on V'day goodies to maintain and prolong their happiness. (What I learnt on Emotions tutorial on V'day itself: Mood Maintenance Model) How coincidental. LOL.

So yes, Leo and I got swirled into this V'day frenzy and spent quite a bit of money on each other, especially Leo. (Thanks bee! <3) Let me just go into my Perfect Romantic Valentine's Day with bee with pictures.

Spent the night over at Leo's and this is our first pic taken at midnight of V'day. Guilty at the carbo intake. But I only let loose on my diet for 1 day, don't be so harsh on me ok tummy. :/

On the way to school together on V'day! <3

V'day isn't a public holiday but I'm glad I went to school cos this pic (taken on V'day) of all my chiobu Powerpsych girlfriends is sooooo pwetty! Our first pic with 5 of us tgt. CAP 5.0 PEOPLE! <3

Fully handmade jar of roses. Bee spent about 3 days to fold the 30++ small roses inside the heart-shaped jar + the handmade huge deco  flower. Really very touched by this present cos it's so beautiful despite Leo's claim that he's artistically-impaired. Bee, you're talented lor! The colour combo of the tiny roses and different shades of pink and red of the big rose go so compatibly together!

My 30min hand-drawn cartoon portrait of bee. Does it look like Leo? :D

I knew Leo's gonna get my flowers, but I didn't expect it to cost near to a 100bucks! Wts! Bee so generous, I'm so touched. <3

Leo's self-composed poem! Meaningful. <3

"Roses are red,

Violets are blue.

Our love remains fresh,

Like the morning dew."

The feeling is still as fresh as when we just started 4 years ago. :')

Blessed girl i am! :D

What made it more perfect is the fortunate chance of my cozycot V'day picture submission being handpicked by Jeraldine to win a 100$ takeaway at The Body Shop! Got ourselves 4 items - 2 perfumes (1 for Leo, 1 for myeslf) which costs about 40$ each, my favourite strawbie-scented shower gel and newly-launched Chocomania lipbalm. ALL FOR FREE!! THANK YOU COZYCOT! :D

Bee and his new perfume set with super fresh and atas fragrance. :)

My boy so cute with the bouquet! :3

The least unglam/fat-faced picture of me that day. :D

Simple dinner at TCC @ Ion Orchard since both of us couldn't tahan the hunger any longer. Awesome treat to ourselves (despite the carbo again) though. HazelChocz milk shake damn sinful but AWESOME! Seriously, double-assured me that i didn't choose my blog name wrongly! So yummeh! :3 Mussel clam soup as appetizer, Chicken wings as starters, Crispy Oyster with Sauteed Mushroom pasta as main course. Perfect satisfaction for a V'day meal.

I guess its quite a pity that we didn't get any e-coupon Valentine deal earlier but I guess it's still not too late to visit Deal.com.sg to get some cheap deals for post-vday retreat during the upcoming recess week.  ;) *VERY SUBTLE HINT HINT WINK WINK, LEONARD MA* :3

Oh yea before I forget, Leo and I took part in a V'day contest on Cozycot and I really want to win this 1 night stay at Boutique hotel, but I'm still 60+ votes short to get the highest number of votes. Please bang bang mang and click a fb like on my photo titled "To Leonard Ma" at this website http://www.cozycot.com/fest/photos. THANKS SO MUCH IN ADVANCE!!! All voters' 10 seconds of effort put in to vote in much appreciated! Thanks!!!!!!

Time to sleep. :D Good night cupcakes! :p Full-day mugging for the next 2 days. :/


P/s: I'd probably come up with another recording during the upcoming recess week amidst the midterms revision. Stay tuned. :D

P/p/s: Will be doing a product review for the newly-launched Loreal Youth Code skincare essence in an upcoming post too. The effects is evidently noticeable in less than 1 week! Cool right! :D


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