31 Aug 2012

[Advert/Review] StyleCoutique.Livejournal :):)

Sponsored advert/review

Hello fellow shoppers, I've got good news for you today!

The saturation of the blogshop market is getting more and more evident ever since
the wave of blogshop business engulfed the livejournal community in Singapore 4 to 5 years ago.
On a nationwide scale, girls have been consistently scouting for the most reliable, efficient and trendy online boutique with friendly and trustworthy owners to do their online shopping.

Based on my personal experience, I believe that having just 1 to 5 blogshop URLs on your bookmark bar is enough to satisfy your shopping urges (and hurt your wallet badly).
When I shop, I'd prioritize quality material over designs.
But I'm really lucky to come across this up and coming online female boutique,
which can offer amiable and sincere services, has a beautiful model to showcase their apparels,
believes in quality material for the clothing and possesses unique, sweet and elegant tastes in their choice of clothes.

I've the pleasure to work with the 2 friendly and sweet owners of Style Coutique and
watch the space below for my honest reviews on 3 items from their upcoming collection!
I say first:
Apologies for the messy hair and my lack of poses.
I'm not a model and I'm gonna do something to my hair soon!
The lack of makeup is due to my rushed timetable on the day of the shoot. Paiseh.

Presenting you... ...

Ms Revelry Dress in Garden Print
ZiweiSandy's review
Are you getting sick of the boring black and white dresses or one-coloured work-dresses that have been in your wardrobe since forever?? It's definitely time for you to head out of your comfort zone and command a little more positive attention with this dress which will be launched in Style Coutique's upcoming collection.
The bold symmetrical floral prints and the colourful overlays are the main attraction points of this unique piece. The elegant high neck cut will elevate the class in you. It comes with an attached petticoat in it, so you don't have to worry even if you're wearing dark inside, if you know what I mean. The material is silky and comfortable when worn, so it can last you through work or meetings enjoyably. :) One thing I like about this piece is that it's not body-hugging but accentuates the right curves of your figure nicely. :)
Odyssey Floral Peplum Top in Peach

ZiweiSandy's review
Even though I'm a tough girl on the outside, I've a weak spot for girly clothes with floral prints and pastel colours. Can you imagine how in love I was with this peplum top when I first saw the prints!?:)
In my opinion, this top is slightly tight for me at the chest area but that's the essence of peplum tops/dresses - to bring out the mini flair at the waist area.
The advantage of this design may not be v conspicuous to guys, but I'm sure the girls know it well - it hides the imperfect little tummy most of us (even the skinniest girls) hate. This beautiful top is best complemented with either a bandage skirt or light-coloured jeans to enhance its beauty wholly. :)
Elle Cut-out Sleeve in Teal
(Available in Classic Black too)
ZiweiSandy's review
Being a casual-wear junkie, I tend to cramp my wardrobe with baggy and flowy tops which can be easily paired with basic shorts. The contemporary cut-out sleeve design will not only bring out the chic in you, it has a tinge of sexiness in it too. The material is thin and lightweight, perfect for the hot weather in Singapore. Wear it out for a Sunday brunch date with your girlfriends/boyfriend(s) and camwhore away~
I'd recommend you girls to wear a simple tube inside as the 'cut-out' is really big
unless you don't mind zhao-geng'ing. ;P

Do head over to the Style Coutique now to look at their past collections.

A Ticket To Time,
the next collection featuring the Ms Revelry Dress, Odyssey Floral Top and the Chasing Rainbow Aztec Shorts (as seen in the banner below) will be launched
this coming Saturday (1st Sept 2012) at 2pm!

Don't forget to camp by the computer/ipad/laptop/iphone to place the order if you like any of the featured pieces in this post because I'm not sure if backorder will be done for OOS items.

Exclusively for my friends and readers:
To save $3.50 upon purchase, you only need to follow the few simple steps as stated below:

1. Enter your details to subscribe to Style Coutique's MAILING LIST for free postage!

2. Head over to Style Coutique's FACEBOOK PAGE and like and share the album:

3. Quote "ZiweiSandy" upon payment...

Damn worth it for such little efforts on our side! :)

Follow @StyleCoutique on twitter for more live updates on upcoming collections!

Just a random pic snap of tired me after the shoot during the long day of rushing from school to Jurong Point to Rochester, but looking forward to dance classes later in the day. ;)
Maximizing everyday and active lifestyle for the win~


25 Aug 2012

[Music video] 红豆 Ziwei's cover + Zouk entry giveaway!

Hey guys!

I'm happy to have made some small progress with my music and am very excited to share with you guys my first ever MV! :)
Ok la, it's really not very professionally done but it has a lot of hard work, time and sweat put into this new YouTube music video cover.
I'd like to give a special shout-out to Leonard, my faithful, helpful and dedicated bf, for spending his precious weekend afternoon under the scorching sun to film this video for me. I'm sure he is as sick of this song as I am. Lol. I don't dislike the song but after 1 month of singing and practising the same song over and over again (and him hearing me repeat this song in the home studio again and again), we were really hoping to get this over and done with so that I can start on another song. :p

Here it is~

红豆 Ziwei's cover 

Special dedication to:

My boyfriend, Leonard (Photographer and videographer of this MV)

My blogger friends: Brad, Angie, Amanda, Quinie, Jaslyn, Zyon, Philip, Kenneth, Daniel, Stephanie, Rachel, Clifford, Mindy, Sharon, Meihui, Yvonne, Hayley

Other blogger friends whom I got acquainted to from the Genting trip: Clara, Nich, Nadia, HP, Thiang, Ally, Cheryl

My favourite girlfriends: Lianne, Valerie, Kelly, Qianhua, Meijun, Shenn, Siyi

My duet buddy: Marcus

My 4G clique from RV especially Vanessa and Xiuru who will be having their birthday this month! HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN ADVANCE!! :D You guys are important to me deep down! :)

My Psych colleagues who worked with me as research assistants under Dr Neo. :)

And, for all the female online shoppers out there, I've got an awesome deal to share with you!

MyCanvasBag, which is also the sponsor of my first music video, is having a clearance sale at http://mycanvasbag.livejournal.com/24157.html, with all most of her apparels going at wholesale/fleamarket prices! Even though it's a small blogshop, it is quite reputable evident from the increasing number of likes on its facebook page, as well as the relatively large number of collections launched on her livejournal online boutique. :)

It's my pleasure to be able to work with Rachel, the cute and humble owner behind this growing blogshop. 
In my opinion, being humble is an essential virtue for a blogshop owner cos if you're not, you'll only get acquaintances and friends unfollowing you on twitter because you're annoying if you show off too excessively. Just saying. ;D 
Anyway, what's more commendable about Rachel is that she single-handedly brought up the standards of the shop and put in consistent and persevering effort in spite of the saturating online blogshop market. MyCanvasBag reaped remarkable sales results from Rachel's hard work with its simple and easy to navigate layout and efficient replies. Do check out my reviews below for her shop items! :)

Featuring Outfits of the day!
MCB Drape Sleeves blouse in Mustard

I love this bright chiffon piece cos it's lightweight and versatile. 
I was thankful that I didn't pick anything made of full thick cotton cos the weather was crazy like hell!
Due to the mad rush from tuition in morning + to capture the perfect weather and lighting for the MV,
I forgot to feature the beautiful flutter sleeves of this lovely top in my photos. 
On top of that, this top can be worn in many ways depending on the what occasion/event it's worn to.
<3 Rach's choice of clothes. Her body structure is petite, but she's considerate for her customers by stocking up clothes of different sizes and styles. Thumbs up, girl!

Poptart Waisted dress in Turquoise 

Clashing colours doesn't necessarily equate to fashion disaster ok.
Just look at this beautiful mini sundress! <3
Wear this gleeful dress out for a picnic gathering and expect to instantly brighten up someone's day. 
Honestly, the cutting is kind small for me even though I'm not very tall but
I just couldn't resist getting this dress for myself. 
The sweet high-waist cut + flair skirt bottom complements an imperfect figure like mine. :|
The material is soft and silky, and super comfy when worn. Wear like nvr wear anything cos very flimsy. :p

Anyway! For your benefit, MyCanvasBag and I managed to work out SOMEMORE discounts for my friends! ^^
To get $2 off regular-priced items + free postage for sales items, simply follow the steps below!

1. Like MyCanvasBag's facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/mycanvasbag

2. Head over to the online boutique: http://www.mycanvasbag.livejournal.com

3. Quote "Ziweisandy" upon purchase of the items for the above-stated exclusive discounts for ya! 

All apparels are brand new and are thoroughly hand-picked by Rach to replace your old clothings in the wardrobe! Head over now! :)

~ ~ ~

Just another behind-the-scene camwhore session with the awesome videoman~ <3

Leonard, the best bf <3

Some beautiful scenery at Keppel Bay! ^^

So cool, got automatic door in the middle of nowhere one! :p

Camwhoring is an inevitable activity when there's a pretty backdrop and Ziwei. :p

Unleashing the gayness. :p 

Before I end off here, I've got a small giveaway for the party people out there!
I've got 4 one-time Zouk entry free passes to give away!
(Valid on weekdays and weekends till the 31st of Oct)

All you have to do is: 

1. Like my facebook page: here
2. Log in to youtube and subscribe to my channel: here
3. Like and share my newest MV: here
4. And leave a comment with your email under this post! :)
Your emails will be screened (means can only be seen by me). 

and stand a chance to win one of these entry passes! 
Winners will be notified within the next 2 weeks. ;D
Personal friends of mine who are interested, do contact me too, i might have extra.


18 Aug 2012

[Personal] Music and photo updates

First week of school has just passed and how's everyone feeling and coping? :)

I'm pleased to see my freshies enjoying themselves, people-watching at the deck, buying their textbooks from the Co-op and partying their nights away as though university is so chillax. 
Of course, mugging will only commence from the 2nd/3rd week onwards. ;)

As for myself, school is great of course, since I'm only required to head down to school for 2 days per week for my last 2 modules in NUS. I even traveled all the way back to school on the first day of school just to meet the freshies and the bf for a casual lunch. All the freshies seemed energized yet anxious about tutorial balloting deadlines. Part and parcel of the beginning of the university life~ 

I'm just cherishing the semester to have no regrets of not spending enough time as a student before I graduate. I'm also joining NUS D'hoppers to learn some basic dance techniques and to exercise every week! :p Who's interested to join with me!? :)

It has been 1 month since I released my last cover: California King Bed which was specially requested by and dedicated to Shenn. Apologies for the hiatus. If you've realised, I've been majorly distracted with brunches, adverts and reviews. It looks as though I'm not doing anything about my youtube channel BUT I'm still dedicated to improving with my personal youtube project ok! Haha. ;)

Here's my most recent (posted 1 month ago) youtube song cover if you've missed it. :)

Music updates

In fact, this upcoming cover is gonna be very different from my usual filming and recording style. 
It is a very classic Khalil Fong (方大同) song cover which I promised to release with my Genting blog posts (Food post / Activities post) but lacked the time to develop it in time. Honestly, I was quite flustered with publishing the Genting posts because the other bloggers were so damn efficient on their sides and I had to caption and review 2 extremely long-ass entries. So, sorry guys for giving over-confident false alarms! :p 

Basically, I'm gonna try filming my FIRST video cover OUTDOORS this time round. Let's hope I can successfully recce for a beautiful venue to do the filming and some photoshoot this weekend. I need some help here! Please recommend me some locations where I can film my video cover! They have to be quiet, windy and not popular/crowded places, preferably somewhere accessible and doesn't have very prominent Singapore landmarks. I don't want my video cover to turn out like an NDP music video. :p 
I will appreciate it veeerrrrryyyy much if you can give me your suggestions by commenting or contacting me personally!  :):)

On top of that, I've also added some harmonizing to this song to value-add to its audio effect. It didn't take me a great deal of effort to learn it, but it's not easy to record the harmo in sync with the lead melody. So much work to do in learning all the technical stuff!! I'll master them all!! *determined*

I'm also rejoicing over another great news which is that I've found a few clothes and accessories blogshop sponsors for my upcoming video covers! I am so extremely blessed and excited about these pending collaborations. It also means, NO MORE OLD UGLY CLOTHES from my bursting aged wardrobe. Indeed, sincerity, passion and determination do pay off! :) 

The first blogshop sponsor will be featured in the next video cover and you guys will be able to get special discounts if you want to purchase any item from the blogshop by simply quoting my name "ZiweiSandy". More details will be provided in the near future. :):) Psst, don't say I never share perks with my friends/readers. <3 

Luckiest woman is me, because I have all my supportive friends, seniors, juniors, listeners and readers who will be there for me when I need advice, help, comments and feedback to help me improve as a person and a singer-blogger. xoxo

If you have friends who own blogshops and would like to be featured in my upcoming video covers, as well as my blog, feel free to contact me at ziweisandy@gmail.com. I have a decent amount of viewership to offer. :)

Not to forget, I am concurrently working on my next duet cover with Marcus and it's going to be filmed at an outdoor venue too. I'm so in love with this song that I took on Marcus' challenge to try it out despite its difficulty! So far so good. Do give me some time. I hope I will not disappoint you guys. :)

Brunch-hunting will continue for me even though I'm in dire need to shed some weight. I've the honour to date some of my pretty girlfriends out. We're in the midst of planning right now. Excited~

Lastly, if you guys haven't, please be generous with your precious "like" on the Facebook update page below as I'm going to be updating most of my music and blog progression there. :) 

Thanks in advance! <3<3

Finally finally, some photo updates for all the visual-readers/friends. :)

Much overdue pic: Steamboat with Powerpsych girls, Qian and Meijun! 
(In absence of Shenn and Siyi)

Family shot during my mummy's birthday! 
If you haven't seen, check out my review and order information for Amelie Cupcakes (where I bought my mum's bday cakes from)! ^^

Final day of our summer holidays~

With pretty Fangying and hot babe Shannen! <3
I'm not in the right attire cos I rushed down to Zirca from brunch and dinner. Picnic dress ftw! :p

The guys: Leonard, Jared, Sikai (the og slut) and Philip. :)

Sexy Shannen modeling with her new White Balenciaga-inspired handbag. 

First day of school with bee. :) 
Follow me on Instagram: Ziweisandy!! 
I post very pretty photos of food and people. :)

Sneakie for the next food review~ #ilovebrunch

With pretty Amanda. :) 
She is the supremely-talented owner of Amelie Cupcakes!!! *Kowtow*

Camwhoring with Angie, Jaslyn and Amanda at the chio toilet of Barracks cafe. ;)

Happy bee - Leo and his 7-layered pancake~  

Another sneakie for my next next food review~ :)
Old Southern Red Velvet Cake! Guess where!

15 Aug 2012

[Ad] The YUMMIEST and PRETTIEST Amelie Cupcakes :)

Sponsored advertorial

Do you happen to have a sweet tooth like Leo and I?
The bf and I are crazy addicts of rich, sweet, milky and especially PRETTY + YUMMY FOOD.
Today, you guys are in for a sweet treat I'm going to recommend you in a bit! ^^

Ever since the celebrity-owner of twelvecupcakes, Jaime and Daniel Ong set up their cupcake biz,
I observe a trending series of cupcake-craving tweets and loads of birthday celebs with birthday cupcakes.
I can't believe how fortunate I am to have befriended Amanda, the owner of Amelie Cupcakes from the Nuffnang Genting Foodie Trip!
As you scroll down, you'll know why.

Amelie's graceful packaging <3

I swear i was pleasantly surprised upon opening the box.
I didn't expect Amanda to be so talented in designing these dainty cupcakes.
Design school graduate student living up to her name. (Y)

A close-up on the impressive Amelie Cupcakes~

Introducing you some tried and tasted flavours... ;D

Flavour: Salted Caramel with Cream Cheese Frosting
(topped with lovely silver sprinkles)
ZiweiSandy's review
The frosting is of optimal creaminess and sweetness.
Amanda is really thoughtful as she purposefully made a small indent in the middle of the frosting
to pour a sufficient amount of salted caramel syrup neatly within.
The addition of the heart-shaped marshmellow completes the kawaii look of it.
Psst, it's one of the top sellers among all of flavours on Amelie Cupcake's menu!

Flavour: Rocher with Vanilla Buttercream Frosting
 ZiweiSandy's review:
Hazelnut has been my favourite ice cream or milk shake flavour since forever and it's Amelie's Flavour of the Month this August!!! This got to be my FAVOURITE cupcake of ALL TIME!
I was pretty awed and amazed to find a whole Ferrero Rocher chocolate at its core as I was halfway munching on this irresistible cuppie!
The hazelnut flavoured frosting is rich and supremely savoury and the chocolate cake base I requested for was 100% sweet and OMG IT'S AWESOME~~~

Flavour: Signature Rose with Cream Cheese Frosting

ZiweiSandy's review:
Guys, this is my top recommendation if you're thinking of giving your girl a sweet thrill.
I fell in love with this girly cuppie at first sight and ate it last
just cos I couldn't bring myself to devour this beautiful artwork into my bottomless stummy.
The cake base is baked with a darker shade of pink and this combo melts any girl's heart anytime. <3

Amelie launched their signature cupcake previously during the Mother's day promotion and received very encouraging response from her customers. :)

Which girl doesn't want to camwhore with these bewildering cuppies and eat them all up you tell me!?
(Pic credits to Amelie.Cupcakes)

For the benefit of you guys, I've specially conducted an email interview with Amanda to get you guys all the order details you need to satisfy your urgent Amelie cupcakes craving right now. :p

Up close with the owner of Amelie cupcakes ~

1. How long has Amelie been around?
Amelie. has been around for 6 months officially. (:

2. What inspired you to start up this business?
I have always been really interested in baking or you could say attracted to pretty cakes and sweet nibbles. And cupcakes, is a good platform to throw myself into a quest of decorative cakes that, are known for looking pretty and tasting delicious.

Hence the mission:
Amelie doesn't seek to change the cupcake culture, but aims to provide pretty decorative cupcakes that taste irresistably good.

3. Where can we find Amelie Cupcake's menu?
Click here: http://www.facebook.com/Amelie.Cupcakes/info to view the full menu. ;D

4. What are your top 3 recommendations to your customers? 
They would be our signature rose cupcake, cupcake of the month (currently Rocher) and our Maple cinnamon cupcake.

5a. How can I order Amelie cupcakes? I want them so badly!
Send us an email @ amelie.cupcakes@hotmail.sg to order in the following format :

Item( please indicate flavour and colour theme):
Food Allergy/Restriction(s):
Remarks (eg. candles needed, cupcake toppers-additional charge of 2 dollars for 6 toppers)
Date and time of collection:
Contact number:

Or they can PM us at our FB page!

5b. Where and how can I collect the cupcakes?

Collection of cupcakes at Admiralty Mrt Station. We sincerely apologise about not being able to do delivery.

5c. How early in advance do I have to order? 

For orders of 50 and below, 2 days in advance, the day starts after payment is made.

For more than 50 cupcakes, do enquire 4 days in advance. (:

5d. Weekday or weekend collection?

Weekend collections would be much preferred. But you could collect on a weekday night. (:

6. What are some new flavours that you're thinking of trying in the future? :)
Currently in mind, would be Gummy bear flavoured cakes, oreo cheese, black velvet, apple pie and so much more!

7. Are you open to new flavour requests?
Definitely! It would also inform me about what the consumers like in terms of flavours and if they expect more crazy flavours from Amelie.

8. Pricing
Minimum order of 6 cupcakes- one flavour each box:
For vanilla buttercream frosted cakes : $20
For cream cheese frosted cakes : $ 23
Current cupcake of the month : $ 24

9. Where can I stalk Amelie for updates? :3

Is that all that Ziwei has tasted out of all those wonderful flavours by Amelie Cupcakes? :(
Of course not!

I had to relieve those cupcake-withdrawal symptoms right? :p

So, the filial daughter ordered a box of highly-craved-for Amelie's cupcakes for her mother's birthday. :3

Amanda never disappoints me.<3

I requested for the cuppies to be as colourful as possible! :D:D

Flavour: Vanilla with Vanilla Buttercream Frosting 
 ZiweiSandy's review:
I specially ordered this plain vanilla flavour for my picky mum.
Did you know that you can request for more/less sweet like just like how u order bubble-tea too? ;D
The less-sweet Vanilla cuppie has a mild sweet essence in the frosting and its cake base is just like the simple butter cake. Sitting on top of the buttercream is a cutesie marshmellow which could make your tea break a little more enjoyable. If you go for vibrant colours but simple flavours, this is definitely the cuppie of your choice. :)

Flavour: Nutella with Vanilla Buttercream frosting
ZiweiSandy's review:
My only critic for this cuppie is that the frosting is too little simply cos I'm a mad chocolate-lover myself. The texture of the nutella frosting is immensely smooth and creamy and the crispy chocolate pearls + little flowers furnishing make the little brownie cupcake really seductive to your taste-buds.
Personally, i prefer the Rocher cupcake over Nutella cos Amelie's flavour of the month is majorly chocolatey and has a richer hazelnut taste! <3 

Flavour: Red Velvet with Cream Cheese Frosting 
 ZiweiSandy's review:
So here comes the renowned Red Velvet cupcake that the whole world is craving for
Unlike the usual, red-heart topped design that many cupcake stalls sell, Amanda sticks to her signature design of having not 1 but 3 bright lovely red hearts to brighten up your day. ^^
In addition, the blue sugar crystal and silver ball sprinkles differentiate the "personality" of Amelie's Red Velvet from the others. :) I love the maroon-coloured cake base especially cos I can taste the rich and deep cocoa flavour amidst the wicked, sinful reds. <3

The candle lights up on the alluring cupcakes and 
the birthday song lits up my mum's moved smiley face. :')


I am super pleased with Amelie's cupcake designs and flavours
and similarly my mum couldn't stop raining praises on how talented the boulangere of the cupcakes is. 
Congrats, Amanda. :) May your business be successful and be prepared to take in more orders from me and my readers in the near future! ;)

ONCE AGAIN, here are the details of Amelie Cupcakes!
Beautiful and sincere, handmade cupcakes for 
weddings, events and birthdays~

Remember to quote "ZiweiSandy" upon ordering for $1 off a box of 6 cupcakes! :)


P/s: Do give this post a "like" if my attempt to ignite your new craving for Amelie is ringing your tummy already~ :p
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