25 Aug 2012

[Music video] 红豆 Ziwei's cover + Zouk entry giveaway!

Hey guys!

I'm happy to have made some small progress with my music and am very excited to share with you guys my first ever MV! :)
Ok la, it's really not very professionally done but it has a lot of hard work, time and sweat put into this new YouTube music video cover.
I'd like to give a special shout-out to Leonard, my faithful, helpful and dedicated bf, for spending his precious weekend afternoon under the scorching sun to film this video for me. I'm sure he is as sick of this song as I am. Lol. I don't dislike the song but after 1 month of singing and practising the same song over and over again (and him hearing me repeat this song in the home studio again and again), we were really hoping to get this over and done with so that I can start on another song. :p

Here it is~

红豆 Ziwei's cover 

Special dedication to:

My boyfriend, Leonard (Photographer and videographer of this MV)

My blogger friends: Brad, Angie, Amanda, Quinie, Jaslyn, Zyon, Philip, Kenneth, Daniel, Stephanie, Rachel, Clifford, Mindy, Sharon, Meihui, Yvonne, Hayley

Other blogger friends whom I got acquainted to from the Genting trip: Clara, Nich, Nadia, HP, Thiang, Ally, Cheryl

My favourite girlfriends: Lianne, Valerie, Kelly, Qianhua, Meijun, Shenn, Siyi

My duet buddy: Marcus

My 4G clique from RV especially Vanessa and Xiuru who will be having their birthday this month! HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN ADVANCE!! :D You guys are important to me deep down! :)

My Psych colleagues who worked with me as research assistants under Dr Neo. :)

And, for all the female online shoppers out there, I've got an awesome deal to share with you!

MyCanvasBag, which is also the sponsor of my first music video, is having a clearance sale at http://mycanvasbag.livejournal.com/24157.html, with all most of her apparels going at wholesale/fleamarket prices! Even though it's a small blogshop, it is quite reputable evident from the increasing number of likes on its facebook page, as well as the relatively large number of collections launched on her livejournal online boutique. :)

It's my pleasure to be able to work with Rachel, the cute and humble owner behind this growing blogshop. 
In my opinion, being humble is an essential virtue for a blogshop owner cos if you're not, you'll only get acquaintances and friends unfollowing you on twitter because you're annoying if you show off too excessively. Just saying. ;D 
Anyway, what's more commendable about Rachel is that she single-handedly brought up the standards of the shop and put in consistent and persevering effort in spite of the saturating online blogshop market. MyCanvasBag reaped remarkable sales results from Rachel's hard work with its simple and easy to navigate layout and efficient replies. Do check out my reviews below for her shop items! :)

Featuring Outfits of the day!
MCB Drape Sleeves blouse in Mustard

I love this bright chiffon piece cos it's lightweight and versatile. 
I was thankful that I didn't pick anything made of full thick cotton cos the weather was crazy like hell!
Due to the mad rush from tuition in morning + to capture the perfect weather and lighting for the MV,
I forgot to feature the beautiful flutter sleeves of this lovely top in my photos. 
On top of that, this top can be worn in many ways depending on the what occasion/event it's worn to.
<3 Rach's choice of clothes. Her body structure is petite, but she's considerate for her customers by stocking up clothes of different sizes and styles. Thumbs up, girl!

Poptart Waisted dress in Turquoise 

Clashing colours doesn't necessarily equate to fashion disaster ok.
Just look at this beautiful mini sundress! <3
Wear this gleeful dress out for a picnic gathering and expect to instantly brighten up someone's day. 
Honestly, the cutting is kind small for me even though I'm not very tall but
I just couldn't resist getting this dress for myself. 
The sweet high-waist cut + flair skirt bottom complements an imperfect figure like mine. :|
The material is soft and silky, and super comfy when worn. Wear like nvr wear anything cos very flimsy. :p

Anyway! For your benefit, MyCanvasBag and I managed to work out SOMEMORE discounts for my friends! ^^
To get $2 off regular-priced items + free postage for sales items, simply follow the steps below!

1. Like MyCanvasBag's facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/mycanvasbag

2. Head over to the online boutique: http://www.mycanvasbag.livejournal.com

3. Quote "Ziweisandy" upon purchase of the items for the above-stated exclusive discounts for ya! 

All apparels are brand new and are thoroughly hand-picked by Rach to replace your old clothings in the wardrobe! Head over now! :)

~ ~ ~

Just another behind-the-scene camwhore session with the awesome videoman~ <3

Leonard, the best bf <3

Some beautiful scenery at Keppel Bay! ^^

So cool, got automatic door in the middle of nowhere one! :p

Camwhoring is an inevitable activity when there's a pretty backdrop and Ziwei. :p

Unleashing the gayness. :p 

Before I end off here, I've got a small giveaway for the party people out there!
I've got 4 one-time Zouk entry free passes to give away!
(Valid on weekdays and weekends till the 31st of Oct)

All you have to do is: 

1. Like my facebook page: here
2. Log in to youtube and subscribe to my channel: here
3. Like and share my newest MV: here
4. And leave a comment with your email under this post! :)
Your emails will be screened (means can only be seen by me). 

and stand a chance to win one of these entry passes! 
Winners will be notified within the next 2 weeks. ;D
Personal friends of mine who are interested, do contact me too, i might have extra.


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