10 Dec 2012

Reelity Showdown Season 2: Ep 2 - Blind waiter

Hello! :)

If you've caught my debut appearance on Reelity Showdown in the first episode, you definitely cannot miss the following 3!! WHY?
There are a few reasons:

1. Elimination games are sexciting and mad hilarious!

2. You get to see all of us looking at our most unglam-est in the videos.

3. Get to know your favourite bloggers better.

4. There are only 4 pathetic episodes before you say bye to seeing us the ultimate fun-loving bloggers on Reelity.tv.

5. (Spoiler alert!) I'll be appearing in all episodes. ;p

Here are the websites of the bloggers whom you might be interested to check out! :)

Team Ben and Jaymes: 

Team Bam Bam:

Team Bunzi:

Team Jedi:

Well, this episode is probably not as action-packed as last week's because (thank god) we're indoors this time. I can't imagine having to do outdoor filming for all the 4 episodes. We'll die from blogger abuse and exhaustion. The change in setting from last week to this week's ep is appropriate as the variation in the type of challenges makes it fair for all the teams. If the Reelitytv crew had decided to hold all 4 episodes of challenges in the themepark, Bunzi will be invincible. :p Mwahahaha. The only constant among the 4 eps is definitely the undying spirit of the Reelitytv crew in their mission to portray our unglam sides to the world. In this particular episode, I should consider myself fortunate to be the waitress instead of the diner because I probably wouldn't be as calm to give clear instructions like Juli (my awesomest partner). Also, I would rather appear blindfolded and look slightly clumsy than to have a fully-stuffed mouth, with cream and squid ink sauce dripping all over. :p I like episode 2 for the humour that our bloggers had injected into the challenge amidst the mildly stressful task. Ben is really hilarious in this episode. Elimination games are cruel, but I'm really thankful and lucky to be part of this filming experience with Reelitytv and Nuffnang because it earned me a great wealth of friendships and crazy fun with some of the bloggers. :')

Stay tuned for the next episode of Reelity Showdown ya! (Next Friday, 14th Dec, 5pm)
Sneak: All of our ultimate unglam-ness will be unleashed in your face. :S

If you're interested in winning yourself a fully-paid trip to RW Genting, do watch the video embedded above for the exact details! It's just 2 simple steps: Like and comment! Sho easy! :)

I know I've been very naggy about this, 
here it is! HAHAHAA. :P Please be generous with your likes on youtube itself, you have no idea how much they mean to me. It's like a motivation to keep myself going at my passion. :) Thanks in advance! :)

Thank you my friends! I'm immensely grateful for the love you guys shower me in terms of the viewership. :)
I'll reward you guys with some FOOOOOOOOD REVIEWS soon! :p xo


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