23 Nov 2012

Filming with Reelity.tv at Genting :)


If you've been following my Instagram (ZiweiSandy) or Twitter (@ZiweiSandy), I was at Genting yet again with Nuffnang and Reelity.tv 3 weeks ago - 5th to 9th Nov. Yes, it's the second time of the semester that I left school and Singapore for another short getaway. So, the first getaway this semester was to Bintan ([Sponsored] 2D1N trip at Bintan Lagoon Resort) with Lianne for a press conference of the Sg-Btn direct ferry launch. The second time round was for this filming opportunity of a game show, which was claimed to be able to make me famous. (?! We shall see.)

So, I first heard about Reelity.TV from Nuffnang because they're sister companies. Le boss of this new video company is none other than Singapore's very own 不笨的小孩 Joshua Ang. Indeed, a smartie who capitalized on his acting background and experience to set up a filming business - a privatized zone where one doesn't truly get tired from working because its basis is built on passion and interest. I assume. 

I'm really lucky to be one of the 4 shortlisted bloggers to be involved in the filming of Reelity Showdown, even luckier to have 3 super understanding Social Psychology lab mates, Lixuan, Jieli and Joeyee for cooperating and not complaining about my absence for the 20% project presentation (after all other project groups have declined our request to swap). I'm in deep appreciation towards the kindest professor Prof Al for allowing me to present my parts to the class through youtubing too. Sankew sankew berry mush! <3 (Not like they will read, but still can't get over how fortunate I feel.)

I'm going to say something cliche. #Sayfirst 
This trip is not merely a filming trip, it's also a precious learning journey where I reaped many once-in-a-lifetime experiences and friendships from. So, i shall not disclose any of the details about the gameshow, but I'll notify you guys when the videos are out. It was predicted that the first episode would be released and aired by next week or next next. So, stay tuned to our announcement and tweets! Honestly, I'm quite eager to view it cos I wanna know how I look like on professional video-cameras. O.O Honestly, most of it will be very unglam thanks to the ideas by the Reelity.tv crew.

From this trip, i gained 6 new friends, of which 4 of them are our so-called "dua pai bloggers". Sorry that I practise favouritism, but I need to publicise these 2 note-worthy bloggers - Jessica and Juli!

Jessica is also known as Shiberty (www.shiberty.com) and please go patronize her online bakery http://shibertys.blogspot.com/ and blog. She's younger than me but her maturity and leadership is worth a lot of compliments. Despite so, it's funny that her teammate and her turned out to appear quite bimbotic especially when they are together. (:p) KTV'ed with her twice and goodness, her voice is powerful and very stable. She can do Celine Dion's and Adele's almost perfect! Very solid control of 音色 which I suck at. Do check out her professionally-produced music video k! 

Juli is another renowned and experienced beauty blogger who writes and posts tutorial on her blog - [www.bunbunmakeuptips.com] She's the cute hyper young-at-heart (:p) whom I was raving about on instagram and twitter 3 weeks ago! ;) Our team name is BunZi, very evidently, it's the convergence of both our names. Watch out for our super act-cute team gesture (which I totally cannot pull off) for the 4 episodes we're featured in ok! ;) Btw, I am extremely thankful to be paired with her because Juli is really very caring towards all of us like a jie. Besides, I'm noob max in makeup techniques and knowledge even though i splurge a hell lot on makeup products. Juli's daily makeup has culminated in getting the title of the bold makeup queen. Love how she plays with the colours on her big puppy eyes (which I can't even) and I worship her self-learnt/experimented skills. Thumbs ups for you! We also managed to steal some romantic time for ourselves to talk about her past and how she started her blog up. I believe her online makeup store is gonna make it big! Watch her space at [www.dolltodoll.com] to shop!

Well, personally I believe that they are worth my respect and support as my role models simply because they are not arrogant at all and are very 亲切 to the evangelists (us) despite their popularity on the internet. All bloggers should be like this right? Brad, aka ladyironchef is another follow-worthy blogger. Support with both hands up all the way (that's if they don't ever change).

The other 2 dua pai bloggers are Beatrice and Ben (Ooo, double J and double B O.O). Got to know them slightly better during our KTV bonding session. Ben loves Stefanie Sun as much as I do! YAY, 知己. And I think he's the vainest guy I've ever met. Well, if he's got the look, why not. I understand. haha. Beatrice is super pretty in person, even without makeup. No wonder she's been the only surviving resident model for BonitoChico/Love Bonito for soooo long. Best of luck for your business on Klarra! 

Yups, so done with the dua pais. Evangelists' turn. I'm quite a social person. I like to observe people's actions and words, and yes I admit I'm judgmental. I mean of course, I judge based on personal interaction and face-to-face conversations. Don't worry, I won't anyhow label you.

Amanda blogs at [petiteloft.blogspot.com]. I knew her from my first Nuffnang Genting Foodie trip and chose to be roomies with her for this trip. We HTHT'ed a hell lot on our 8-hour coach journey up to Genting and I feel really comforted that she was shortlisted too for this trip as my companion. :) Super love her bubbly and crazy side that lifts my spirit every morning (after grumbling at her for waking me up so early. Lol) Also, I'm thankful to have such an awesome room-mate whom I confide in about our daily filming every night. :) If not for her, my trip back to Singapore on Day 5 would not be so calming and rational due to quite a major argument with le stupid bf then. (Bleah)

Diana blogs at [www.yourbestfriend.sg]. My first impression of her developed on the first day at our meeting place. Enthusiastic, chatty, straightforward, fun-loving and smart. I was quite amazed to learn that she writes about technology and doesn't give a shit about putting on makeup. Super envious of her natural wavy hair that looks prettily permed and her fair flawless skin. Making up is a hassle, but I can never feel confident enough to go through 4 days of filming with zero makeup. Ups.

Jayme blogs at [www.jayme-joy.com]. Everything she says never fails to surprise me. On first impression,  I thought she was really shy and quiet, yet realised that she isn't after 3 days of hanging out. She's really sweet and thoughtful towards her new friends. And don't see her so kawaii, she does have wacky and funny jokes that crack us up altogether. One point worth mentioning about her is that she is used to and choose to consume only fruits and vegetables every meal, unless necessary/required (for the show). Her revealed swimming and jogging regime scares me actually cos I've never seen a 19-year-old so well-disciplined in her decisions before. Looks like I need to develop a stronger desire to slim down to reach her level of exercise and health insanity.

For the foodies! 

We spent our days and nights there like celebrities indeed, especially with all the food sponsored by different restaurants and arranged by the thoughtful and motherly/fatherly staff of Resorts World Genting. :') 谢谢很多! I've done 2 blog entries introducing and recommending food and activities in Genting a few months back. Here's an extension to my recommendation list in RW Genting! Hope my reviews will be helpful if you're planning a getaway there! :)

1. 好味 Hou Mei Cantonese Restaurant

Conspicuously located outside First World casino, this restaurant serves mainly Chinese dishes/local delights. Convenient eatery for you to grab a quick bite at an economical price if you're staying at First World Hotel. 

We ordered a hell lot of fried food (a lot of which are not in the photos of course) and I personally thought that they're slightly above average. The fried wanton and sotong balls were served warm and crispy, perfect for a lunch pig out. I got myself the herbal duck soup for my main course and was thankful it didn't disappoint me like how the herbal Ginseng chicken soup did in Korea. Quite tasty. Just an advice, don't bother ordering the Ribena float as it's quite tasteless. 

2. Genting Palace Restaurant
2nd floor, Maxims Genting 
Opening hours: 9am-2.30pm, 6-9pm 

A MUST-GO for Chinese food/dimsum lovers. Check out [here] for more dishes you can choose from.
The food this time round wasn't as sumptuous as the previous time I went to Genting even though both are 8-course meals. Love the tofu, red snapper and pork dishes though. :) The buns were a tad too tough. 

3. Happy Valley Seafood Restaurant
Lobby Floor, Theme Park hotel

A comical pose by Jess at the entrance.

It is located just beside the Outdoor Themepark, so you can pop by and enjoy seafood lunch when you're tired from all the screaming in the themepark.Can't help but wonder why all the Genting fish dishes are sooooo delicious! Genting is situated so high up in the clouds and so far away from the sea, yet their fish are so fresh and always cooked to the perfect softness. It was also my first time trying out their Cheese Lobster and I would highly recommended that you try it too because not only is the lobster meat springy, the fusion with warm fuzzy cheese makes every bite so rich that you will keep getting more of them onto your plate. 

4. First World Cafe
Level 3, First World Plaza

Huge buffet eatery that can sit 2400 pax that serves Chinese congee, Chinese cuisine, Bbq chicken, fresh seafood, kebab meat wraps, freshly baked pastry and many more. It's so huge you can bring your entire extended family there to dine. 

The congee ingredient counter. 

Fresh mussels and prawns!

Fresh fruits, cupcakes, yogurt, mousse cakes. I love how they welcome guests with the beautiful and colourful setup of desserts right at the entrance. Keke.

5. Imperial Rama 
Level 2, Highlands Hotel

This restaurant is another MUST-GO if you're an avid fan of Thai and Chinese food. 
It's a fine-dining restaurant with a very elegant ambience to enjoy their exotic cuisines. 

We were wondering why each table set has 2 pairs of chopsticks. 
Do you know why? So smart! Yes, one of which is a "serving chopstick" for you to retrieve food from the sharing dish and the other one is for your meal consumption. 

Green curry chicken, tom yam gung, fish (again <3), sweet and sour pork...
AND my favourite are the SALTED EGG SHRIMPS
and DURIAN TEMPURA!!!! Omg, I'm totally craving for both of them again. 

Dessert: Highly raved by Jessica. Just look at the creamy durian fillings and it's light crispy coat....
The durian tempura melts immediately in your mouth as the creamy durian ooze through to engulf your taste buds. Heavenly is the word. Yes. Remember to look for Imperial Rama and order this dessert if you're a durian fan like me ya! :)

6. Bubbles & Bites
Level 2, Highlands Hotel

Themed blue and decorated with the scrabble game wall design, this cozy Western food restaurant serves very cost-friendly and generous-portion Italian pizzas/pastas and other usual Western-style cuisine. The ambience is very relaxing and serene, so you Western-food lovers can stop over for a casual lunch or dinner amidst the energy-consuming shopping and gambling. As for me, I'll definitely return to Genting for its food. 


We ordered lamb shank for sharing, home-made beef lasagna, specialty fish & chips and seafood carbonara. 
I love every single dish below especially the lamb, which has super tender and soft lamb meat and the seafood creamy carbonara.

Guess what.

Traditional Tiramisu served with cotton candy. Aww. It's the first time I see such a combination, which is very unlike Singapore's usual creamy and liquid-ish ones. Sweet and interesting. Must try!

Sticky date pudding. I was so excited when I saw this item on the menu and it didn't disappoint me as well. :D

8. 好朋友 Good friends restaurant
Level 2, Highlands Hotel

Hakka style cuisine in a family-oriented setting. 
They've the salted egg shrimps too! Imperial Rama's is still more epic. 

Other than the above 8, we also headed to Hainan Express for the traditional breakfast set and Lobby Cafe for our usual fried beehoon/kwaytiao and prata for breakfast. :) 

Activities and indulgence ~
Besides nomming and gambling, don't forget to let down your hair and have fun over at Genting! 

1. Themepark!
Think I don't really need to do much promotion here. Fun-lovers will visit either way. 
A shot before filming!

A shot after filming the episode.

It was such a pity that the corkscrew ride was down for maintenance. Not like I would have company too, since most of them are afraid to take rides. Why like that!! Lose out in the greatest joy of life man. :p

BUT, I did conquer the SpaceShot ride and it was also my virgin experience on it. 

Never had the guts to try it until I was left with no choice. NO REGRETS THOUGH!
Tips for the ride: Count to 3 when you reach the very top (rmb to enjoy the scenic bird's eye view of Genting), take a huge breath by the 4th count and start screaming at the top of your voice before the drop commence. Shiok max! :D:D

2. M Spa & Fitness

Top beauty and relaxation spa you can find in Genting. 
The moment I stepped in, I felt like a VIP because the layout and atmosphere was so atas and relaxing.
Great service by the masseurs and receptionists with utmost politeness too. 

I had always been curious about the difference between Thai massage and Balinese massage, so I took the 1.5hour Balinese massage. I was proven that I had a misconception that the harder the pressure of the massage, the more relaxing and better it is to your overall body muscles. Well. I realised that I overestimated myself. Lol. Nonetheless, all the other bloggers enjoyed their Balinese and Swedish massage and most of them even fell aslp. 

The price is slightly steep, but it's worth it to spend on a quality massage after a long day out. 

3. KTV!!
Located 1 level above the glow-in-the-dark bowling alley. 

My top favourite hangout at Genting. :)
Juli is damn good at harmonizing! I can totally click with musically-inclined and humble people. :)

All of us can sing so well! ^^ 

K-pop fan girl Jayme.

We had beer and I don't remember if Josh asked me not to post it up? Lol.

Jayne sings FIR songs! (Y)(Y)(Y)

Team Ben and Jayme's and a red and tired me.

4. Snow World!

Thank you Ah boon for waking up early to usher us around even though there were only 4 of us who bothered to wake up after 4 tiring days of filming. xie xie!

Diana helping me put up the hoodie for our photo.

We're not exaggerating the cold inside by gearing up.

So beautiful isn't it! :)

-7 degree celcius. Not joking, as you can tell from the immediate condensation when you exhale. 

The xmm shivering at a corner.

What's with my expression? Don't ask me. 

Love the girls, really. :)

卖火柴的小 女孩 姐. 

There's also a snowy slide down! 

But we didn't get the chance to play on it cos we went in before it was officially opened for the day.

Bun is super cute, can't resist. 

5. Camwhore

Snippets of our trip and friendship. :)

Photos with new friends! 
With the evangelists: Diana, Amanda and Jayme! :)

Jess aka Shiberty super 亲切. Love her! :) Looks so pretty in this pic below! :)

With Juli, Diana, Ben and Amanda.

Beatrice and hots Gabs.

Outfit of one of the days: Jeans and scarf from Cotton On. White top from Scape. 

Outfit of Day 2: Black tank top with pastel pink knit cardigan from Far East Plaza, 
arm-candies from beadstreet and floral shorts from Bugis street. 

Super windy and cloudy just outside the hotel! 

I wonder how these security staff stand the extreme wind and coldness. 
They're stationed at the door everyday leh! 

Our oh-so-cool Growling host of Reelity showdown, Noel Boyd!
Check out his blog [www.noelboyd.com]
Photobombed by the camwhores behind. LOL.

Tall leggy modelish Diana! Super chatty girl, don't be deceived by her angelic looks. :p 

LOL. The young-at-heart. 

Favourite girl!

Tanent Yong! :) Super humorous intern from RWGenting. 

Carol! Her voice is naturally dolly. Super suitable for her image. Hee.

Who says Malaysians and Singaporeans can't be friends. :) xoxo Love them.

Goping the professional lighting to camwhore after filming. :p

Random shot in the room.

Image change.

Jess is really too enthu for this shot. LOL. 
Josh, you not seeing the camera doesn't mean the camera wouldn't capture you, y'know. 
Noel's expression is epic. LOL.

EVERYONE including the behind-the-scene crew people! :) (in absence of the pretty blog managers)

老大! Can you feel his aura? O.O

Steamy Luq! HOTS!

Cute Fin looking like a grumpy bunny. 

Le Gambler, Rudy. 

Of course, the important mama of the trip, Gaby and Jayne.
Sankew sankew for taking care of all of us during the trip. 感激不尽!

Ah Boon! 
Kinda miss these sweet staff guiding us around and helping us order free food. HAHA.

Love this pic. Girls of my clique. Oops, another clique. (Omg they rhyme!)

Our signature pose. Do watch the episodes when they're out! 

Beatrice and Ben! 

Love Jess' silky red head!

Well, I think 3 of us look chio here. #thickskinned

This Amanda so seductive one, I can't even. :p

So happy to be done with this long post and so glad that we survived the 5 days of filming with so much laughter and nonsense exchanged. ;) Looking forward to the 4 episodes of hard work! :)


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