27 Nov 2012

[Sponsored/Movie review] Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2


Anyway, for someone who doesn't know the storyline, the final movie is definitely more breathtaking than the previous few shows. So exciting throughout that my date and I were both sitting tight and holding each other's icy hands. What I love most about Twilight movies are the well-filmed fantasy, fictional settings and effects which sucked my soul into the fairytale land behind the screen. Of course, I love all of the characters because everyone looks so perfect and well made-up (which is supposed to be their natural nude look in the movie)! The fair balance of sex, romance, humour, action and effect has made up for what Leonard had labeled the last book, a disappointment. I'd say, to be fair to Kristen Stewart, her acting has improved as compared to her other movies and I really enjoy seeing her pretty face on screen without going like "what?" at her expressions. :) Renesmee is super adorable with her Goldilocks look. :3 Needless to say, Taylor Lautner stripped again. ;) This time not just the top. Mwahahaha.. Not to mention, Robrt Pattinson has been every girl's dream sweetheart who seems to have an endless list of sweet nothings to tell his girl. Leonard, Y U NO SO SHIMMERY AND MUSHY? One more thing, I nearly teared at the end cos it was as though I've witnessed a love seed blossoming into a glorious flower and completing its cycle. So much sacrifice and pain that a couple of different species had to undergo. :') Guys (Yes, guys), you will not regret spending the 10bucks on this finale, so be a willing sweetie and accompany your girlfriend to watch it together yup! :)

Anyway, would like to do a special shoutout to OMY and GV for sponsoring the tickets for my date and I. 

The movie screening was held at City Square Mall (Exit I from Farrer Park MRT station of the Purple line) and it was an awesome first experience watching a movie there! I didn't know GV already had 10 multiplexes all around Singapore and this is its 11th. The concept of GV Couple's Cinema allows movie-goers to lift up the seat dividers to enjoy a cozier experience with their loved ones. That's why, I always pester le bf to choose GV cinemas over others when we head out for dates. 

We were lucky to be relatively early for the movie cos it was free seating. Some late-comers had to take the first few rows. :/ 

Here's my date of the night! :D 
Jiajun, my not-so-baby brother. :) When I messaged him to ask him out for this free movie, he was so elated he couldn't stop saying Omg. Haha. Well, weekends are precious cos' I get to spend some time with my family apart from le bf and my readings. Heh. 

Any resemblance there? 

The new theatre at City Square GV is quite impressive. There is ample leg room and the seats themselves are very spacious. We took the seats right in the middle so we could have the best view. Actually anywhere in the cinema would give you a perfect view because all the intimate 42-seater theatres have a 42-seater inclined stadium seating such that the row in front would not obstruct your view from behind or at the aisle. 

Popcorn and his favourite iced lemon tea for the little one. :)

Camwhore before the show starts. Allowed right? ;p

KFC for dinner and i must say that dinner sucked big time. 
But it's the company that matters yea? 

Ending off with an ootd. 
Got this old Kimono floral blouse from Love Bonito's warehouse sale say, 2 years ago? 
Damn, I need to shop. 

For those who are busy with your exams, mug hard and hang in there! 
Just 1-2 more weeks left to freedom!!! :) GOOD LUCK ALL THE BEST!


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