12 May 2013

[Taiwan recommendation] Fengjia Night Market 逢甲夜市

[Travel guide: Taiwan]

Hey guys! I'm currently now at Taiwan!!!!! 
Recently, I've been really busy with work. 
If you're curious about my job, check out my new work blog here! Love my job cos it's perfect! :D


Firstly, I'd love to thank my boyfriend's mummy for being so kind to always bring me overseas. 
I'll return the kindness when I become independent with some earning power and be faithful to her! 

First time on China Airlines. Flight was arranged by Chan Brother as we took a tour package. 
I'd say the service was quite okay for a 4-hour flight journey despite the giddiness-inducing turbulence. 

Lunch on board!

Beef with mashed potato! Super delicious!

Our only stop on day 1 was Fengjia Night Market 逢甲夜市!
For your information, the current exchange rate of SGD to TWD is S$1 -> TW$23!

Jackie, our experienced tour guide, highly recommended 大肠包小肠 to all of us on the coach.
Its direct translation simply means intestine-ception. 

Very tasty. The outer intestine is actually mixed with glutinous rice while the inner intestine is just a sausage. 
Yummy! Leo's mummy's favourite. 

2nd top pick by the local guide: Golden chicken leg roll. 

In spite of its very innocent appearance, it's one of the most sinful yet heavenly food I've eaten!
Wrapped in the crispiest chicken skin, it's been too long since I last tasted such an oily yet tender chicken leg meat. KFC cannot fight. To be more objectively, Leo's mummy found it too raw but the reason is cos the meat is grilled to sheer softness. You have to try it! 

 We also tried the "lazy prawns". Actually, it's just normal prawns bbq'ed to max such that their shell are crispy enough to be chewed and swallowed. It's actually the people eating them who are lazy, not the prawns la. Cheap, but not my cup of tea tbh. Hehe. 

One of my top favourites: Cheese potatoes!

This particular one I ordered just now is called the Hawaiian cheese potato. 
Its ingredients include de-skinned baked potato stuffed with pineapple, ham, corn and lastly drizzled over with warm molten cheese. Awesome or what. :B

Leo's mummy ordered fried squid. See, night markets are meant for non-stop nomming! <3

This is one of the few stalls with crazy queues. According to its stall front's loud advertisement, looks like there'd been quite a number of celebrities and variety shows which approached the stall for interviews and reviews. 

Out of 4-5 flavours to choose from, we picked the French Cheese fried mee bread. 
The concept of this special dish is to carbo-load creatively. Honestly, I was quite curious how the fusion of spaghetti and bread would taste like. 

It didn't disappoint me at all! Leonard and I took turns to finish to the last mouthful!

The other stalls sell some of Singapore's local favorite, such as the oyster omelette.

And lightly-grilled fresh oysters at SUPER affordable prices!

My happy boy and his comfort food! <3

 We were also told to try this queh called the "bloody cake". 

It actually looks like one huge block of pig's blood dipped in spices and peanut sprinkles. 
I'd describe the taste as "interesting". It's for you to find out. haha. 

There were about 3 such stores around. I went into every one of them just because I cannot resist cute stuff. ^^ 


Taiwanese are crazy scooter fans due to its cheap price of S$2-3k and of course its mobility convenience. I believe today we have seen up to thousands of scooters and motors travelling on the roads and parked by road curbs. Here's a cute scooter helmet which caught my attention. :p

One interesting fact-of-taiwan we noticed today: 
the streets are very clean despite the lack of bins around. Something commendable. :) 

Today, I also did some filming of the market here and there.
Will compile them when I'm free on one of the days here! 


Thanks for following my blog despite my lack of updates! <3 


P/s: Special thanks and shout-out to Huixin, writer at http://flyae-roplanes.blogspot.sg for helping me do up my ZiweiSandy logo! <3 She's also the one who helped me design my namecard! Need help can let me know! Pretty and talented friend she is!! :) 

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