14 Apr 2013

HPT MasterClass #1: 我怀念的 (Live perf by Ziwei & Weiqi)

[Music updates]

Chop chop! chop chop! I'm back with another blog post! 
Not bad right. 
I'll be slightly more efficient with posting new entries this month as compared to the past month because

1) I have a lot of overdue posts, 
2) I love my friends, listeners and readers, 
3) I'm done with my prerequisite examinations for work,
4) CNOS 2.0 is over &&&
5) I miss blogging. Awwwwww....

This is my first time that I'm officially blogging about my music school.
Ok la, tell you abit more about my background with Hark Music.


3 years ago when I was still a Year 1 undergrad in NUS, I was so excited to receive my first bursary donated by the very very kind NUS alumni, that I went online to look for a music school which charges affordable fees for vocal lessons. My passion for singing was already sky-high then. Hark Music captured my attention. After 3 months of singing classes, I only managed to finish up to level 1 out of 4 levels of singing classes. My funds ran low because I was still a poor part-time tutor cum undergrad, so I had to forgo the lessons, very reluctantly though. 

Through that 3 months of basic vocal training on breathing techniques, vocal control, pitching and how to connotate on the lyrics sheets to improve song management, my improvement was not tremendous. Even though it was only the basic course, the techniques involved were too much for me to digest and master. Nonetheless, the learning journey there was fruitful. :)

3.5 years later, I received an email from Hark Music, calling for interested students and ex-students to join an audition for the HarkMusic Performing Team (HPT) vocalist and instrumentalist recruitment. I did not hesitate and pledged my interest despite my lacking vocal techniques. The 2 stages of audition gave me the chance to know a few other vocalist-instrumentalists and made me realise that there're actually so many aspiring musicians around who strive for breakthroughs! The fuzzy feeling was really awesome. :) I was lucky. I got through and entered HPT officially with the other 10+ musicians. :D

So so so......

The HPT Masterclass was held on 12th April (TGIFriday!) at the mini performing studio at HarkMusic.
My music school is just located around POMO, Park lane mall area along Prinsep street. You'd know where it is if you've been to Strictly Pancakes before! :) In preparation of this exciting internal performance opened to a small audience from the public, Weiqi (Michael) and I met up once (just once!) to prepare this practice video embedded below. No mic, no amplifier. I must say, I'm really blessed to be paired up with an existing guitar teacher from HarkMusic itself. He figured out all the chords all in that one short session! :O 人帅又有talent! But too bad for you girls, he's taken. Ha.

Check out our 3rd or 4th attempt at this song~

Apologies for my baaaaaaaad tempo problem, lack of power and emotions, as well as wrong breathing techniques. :/

Now, here's the actual performance on the day itself during the HPT MasterClass~

Got improvement from our practice video ma?

Some pointers from Amos, my music school's music director:

1. Breathing techniques can be further practised and mastered until I can hold enough breath in my core to unleash my total potential and push up the power level in time to come. 

2. Mouth resonance managed wrongly due to laziness. If not it's possible to project some words and emotions better. 

3. Pitching and tempo glitches here and there.

From members of the public:

1. One of the most captivating item-performance of the night. 

2. Would be perfect if i learn how to maximize my potential. Yet to 到达"那个"境界.

I would note every single comment to heart and make sure that I improve in these areas in my next performance! :) 


With my super talented performance partner of the night, Weiqi again! 
I'm honestly considering learning guitar! :O Inspired~

With Kelvin! :) Thanks for coming all the way down to ulu HarkMusic to support me. 
I'm flattered by your compliments but I'll not stop improving because my friends/supporters deserve more effort and better music from me! :)

With Joy! She's my RV senior and my fellow vocalist-guitarist band member for the 2nd HPT group audition. I love how spontaneous and fast she is at catching chords and vocal harmonies! Can 自弹自唱 somemore. Great talent!!

I absolutely love blogging about music-related entries. :3 
May I have time to do performances, covers and music write-ups when I start work officially! :O

Feel free to comment under this blog post on your opinions and  song suggestion for my next performance! :)

Thanks for reading and listening~



  1. Although this comment is not going to have much 建设性,but still, I would like to say "Good job! You have improved a lot since the last time I heard you sing Chinese songs!" Haha~ well done, and whatever constructive comments that I can offer you already blogged it out le (like breathing parts). So.. yeah, keep up the good work =)

    1. THANKS CK! :') I am really blessed to have friends like you.


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