3 Feb 2013

Birthday 2013 Part 2 - Marine Life Park

So here's a promised blogpost on the 2nd half continuation of my 23rd birthday celebration. :)
If you haven't been reading my blog, tsk. Haha, Leonard brought me to USS for a day of roller coaster which got me nauseous at the end of the day. Read Birthday 2013 Part 1 - USS! :) 

I had been wanting to check out this interesting oceanarium recommended by Jess (@ www.Shiberty.com) located right within Sentosa. It's not the old underwater world that was located near Siloso beach and I was wondering where the hell does RWS have the space to install this claimed-to-be world's largest oceanarium. When I found out, I was pretty amazed. O.O 

Check out here if you're interested to know more about its history and stuff. :) We paid $20! 
We were welcomed by this hugeass ship with a ferocious lion head staring at us with much hostility. However, I'd say it made a breath-taking grand opening to our 1.5hour visit. Super ginormous. Here's dwarf Leo posing for you. :)

A pirate ship hanging overhead the basement of the Maritime Experiential Museum. It was my first time seeing the intricate details of a pirate ship so upclose! O.O

In order to get to the aquarium, everyone had to bypass the maritime sea experiential museum which showcases all the different SEA countries' maritime and cultural activities. Honestly, Leonard and I had no interest at all to take closer looks at them. Nonetheless, I thought that it was thoughtful of the planning comm to include the more meaningful and educational history of the different countries for tourists and local students/children to learn more about the sea activities which Singaporeans are not usually exposed to. To me, the most interesting part of the museum was the typhoon experiential exhibition! It's interesting that they built this huge circular container structure and used some amazing technology to allow curious visitors to know how being in a TYPHOON feels like! You can't miss it la right. How often do you get to be caught in the middle of the sea in a dangerous storm? O.O

 Moving on to pictures of the fishies and jellies! :)

Stingrays under our feet!
I learnt from others' blogs that divers can actually swim through this narrow gap underneath! So dangerous for those in skirts! lol. 

Seahorses are one of the cutest creatures I've seen there! I never knew that they would twine their tails around seaweed to maintain their stability when sleeping. I was super amused at their funny slping positions especially when they look so nua and sleepy while nodding off in the waters. Their fins are super tiny. Aww. 

Looking yummeh there. ;)

Humongous tank! I bet there're a few thousands of fishies living in it! The corals look so beautiful! How did they manage to replicate what divers get to see in underneath the sea into a thick "pillar" of breathtaking exhibition tank, making it so convenient for us visitors to admire them without having to dive into the sea! It'll really be therapeutic to install one of this in my own house. Hmm. Ok not so rich and boliao. They'll definitely die in no time under Leo and my care. 

Another yummeh creature! THE SPIDER CRABS ARE SO HUGEASS! I've no doubt that they'll be longer than I am with their limbs stretched out. 

My favourite tank! <3 Little bobbing tiny mushroom jellyfishies that glow in the dark! 

The first thing another female visitor and I said in unison when we saw them:

The long jellies with seaweed like stings. 

The full length aquarium/oceanarium exhibit!!!! The biggest that I've seen thus far! Underwater World can't fight this for sure. 

One of the highlight that people placed their attention on was this giant black stingray which had many small fishes dancing through the water on and underneath its "wings". The entire troop was a graceful bunch, flowing through together so smoothly, in other words, very camwhore and attention seeking! haha. 

Like mama and babies hor? But different species one. So funny. :3
I wonder if baby stingrays follow their mummies around like this too. I doubt so hur.

Another dumb-looking species - the cowfish! Look at their small tails and pouty "lips"! LOL. They're really tiny too. Given their cuteness and bright colours, I believe they're very vulnerable preys in the ocean even among the corals. 


MAD INTIMIDATING EELS~ Totally not appetizing AT ALL! 

At finale of the oceanarium, visitors had to enter this tunnel that passes through the

I believe the shark resembles my personality the most out of all the marine animals. :/
Well, it's not exactly something very flattering to say about myself, but I'm just being honest.
What i see in them are that their speed of movement is really fast and they're always looking so focused and "efficient" somehow. I'm comparatively one of the least lazy people (late mornings don't count cos i work till late nights) and whenever I walk on the streets, i tend to overtake people who're strolling leisurely and blocking my way. When I have decided on something or have a goal in mind, I'll push myself to stay focused for a few days straight without proper rest like taking a break and bringing the task off my mind in the midst of working. I hardly give people good first impressions due to my aggressive looks and mentality. I'm sensitive to threats and will always be ever ready to take up any challenge posed by anyone just like how sharks are so sensitive to the blood of their victims. WAH I NOT SO VICIOUS LA. SIAO. I'm just a super friendly, determined and focused person la k. :) 

Baby hammerhead! :3

Baby mushroom head! :3

After a REALLY long day at RWS taking rides and getting awed at the wonderful marine life, the boyfriend and I couldn't wait to return home for a rest.

Even though it's a family tradition to celebrate everybody's birthday together annually, I still feel very blessed and touched whenever they surround me to sing me that birthday song while i sat in front of the yummeh neighbourhood bakery birthday cake. I swear I always feel teary when they do that. I'm glad that even after all these years of undergoing through the hardships and disagreement,  the love we show one another in the family only grows and gets more heartwarming. Blood is thicker than water indeed.. 

Adorable mummy and havoc daddy. :)
Who do i resemble more? haha. 


Didi and meimei, my closest babies. :)

Love of my life. :)
Thank you for everything. I can never thank you enough dear.
We will embrace the future tgt I see. Looking forward to Vday! ;)

Thanks for reading and loving me all these years! 

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