13 Nov 2012

[Sponsored/Giveaway] Garnier Acne 101

Sponsored + Giveaway

Hey friends and readers! 
I'm back with my 2nd giveaway on my blog. :)
BIG THANK YOU to Garnier for giving me the chance to attend the Acne101 online workshop.

It was my first time participating in an online event and well, this concept is pretty convenient, stress-free and informative. The few bloggers were honoured to be able to sit in and "listen" to Candice, the host of the workshop and Gladys, who is Garnier's very own product manager cum beauty trainer, talk about the basic skincare must-do's, what food and activities to avoid to prevent pimple outbreaks, as well as what Garnier products we can recommend to our readers for specific acne problems.

To be honest, I only recently started taking care of my skin as I've always taken my relatively spotless skin for granted. The worst acne problem I had would be a few spots popping out on my chin/forehead/cheek, so i hardly even go for facial. Yet, I totally neglected about my dry-skin issue. Every month, the edge of my nose and sides of my lips would peel and I have to bring a tube of moisturizer out to apply when my face feels dry. Yup, so those are my very own skin issues. I do know some people (like my bf) who have acne problems ranging from mild to serious severity and I hope this blog post would be beneficial. Don't forget to take part in my Garnier product giveaway! Refer to the details at the bottom. :)

*enters snippets of my camwhore shots*

Here's to share about some questions being raised during the consultation/workshop:

1. Does consuming chilli or spicy food lead to pimple outbreak?
To be fair to chilli-lovers, chilli isn't the direct cause of e development of pimples. BUT, diet is! Avoid consuming excessive amount of heaty food in your meals. If you take large amount of chilli every meal, you do run a high risk of facing acne problems if you don't take lots of water everyday.

2. The less makeup you put on, the less pimples you'll develop?
It is true. But, even though dirt, pollution and makeup could cause the development of acne, as long as you practise proper cleansing and skincare, putting make up on will not lead to pimples. Anyway, I am a makeup fanatic but my skin is still clear from acne because I have already incorporate the basic 3-step skincare (cleanse, tone, moisturize) into my daily wash-up routine. :) Otherwise, choosing makeup products that is non-comedogenic could help to reduce facial skin-clogging. 

3. Do dry skin cause pimple breakouts?
Dry skin is a skin type, and it does not cause pimple. Unfortunately, pimples do appear for people with the combination of dry and oily skin. Our skin may have its own temperament in different weather and environment. Generally, expect dryer skin in cold countries/weathers and oily skin after a workout/perspiration. Having a balanced diet, enough rest, sufficient water and a healthy lifestyle would put your skin condition in a better condition too. 

4. Can topical skincare help to remove oily skin?
Yes. Examples of these topical treatments include salicylic acid or tea tree oil. :)

5. What food are good for the skin?
Non-starchy food such as broccoli, tomato and cauliflower and food rich in zinc like chicken, swiss cheese and almonds are beneficial to upkeep healthy skin. In addition, vitamin A is often prescribed to treat acne and food rich in vitamin A include tomato juice, mangoes and papayas. Watch out for the food mentioned above to keep your skin healthy! 

6. More about Garnier products
All Garnier products contain natural ingredients sourced from all around the world and are dermatologically tested in the labs in Paris to ensure that they are not harmful to the skin.

7. How to get rid of pimples quickly?
Bursting of pimples will cause scarring and inflammation to the skin, hence the best way to treaat pimple is to use a proper pimple treatment product such as Garnier's Pimple Roll-On or use a purifying mask to absorb the excess sebum.

8. My question! My bf has very bad acne breakout and serious pigmentation on his skin, so do you have any strong Garnier product to recommend and how long will it take for the pigmentation to gradually fade off? 
We have Garnier Men Turbolight Oil Control Charcoal Foam specially tailored for Men with oily skin. It contains Lemon Essence that will lighten the pigments on the skin. Nonetheless, pigments do not fade off overnight, but if he uses the foam habitually, the skin will be brightened in 4 weeks. 

9. What if his face is not oily, but very dry instead?
The recommendation we can make is to use a mix of different types of cleansers. On days when he has oily skin/acne problem, he can use the abovementioned Charcoal Foam or AcnoFight Foam for more serious pimples. On alternate days, he can use Aqua Fuel Gel Wash to cleanse as it helps to hydrate the face. Whichever cleanser he used, he must always moisturise after cleansing. Many think that alternating cleansers will make the skin sensitive, but we should actually alternate our skincare products to tackle the different  skin problem you're facing on different days. Our skin is alive and is constantly changing and adapting to our surrounding, so our skincare regime should follow suit too. Other times, due to weather or sun burnt, the skin might be sensitive, so we should use a more gentle formula.

10. What causes pimples to coagulate and surface time and again at the same spots? Any Garnier products to counter this or is stronger treatment required?
Pimples or acne that constantly appears at the same spot might be due to us sub-consciously touching the same spot through the day. If we do not treat our pimples properly, that area will be easily inflamed again and again. To add on, the constant usage of handphone, which is actually full of bacteria if we don't clean it everyday, could lead to pimple outbreaks along the jawline or mouth area.

11. If I do already have acne scars, are facial scrubs able to help me get rid of these blemishes?
Regular use of facial scrubs can help to exfoliate the dead cells ad reveal new skin cells which might be free of pigments and blemishes. So, yes it is recommended that you use a scrub regularly, but not too excessively as you might exfoliate the cells faster than it renews itself. Optimally, we should use a scrub at least twice a week. If your skin does turn red when you use your facial scrub, you can try turning to scrub with microbeads that is gentler and not too harsh on your skin. :)

12. What are the 3 best-selling products of Garnier?
Garnier's Miracle Skin Perfector - an all-in-one moisturiser with BB cream finish
Pure 3-in-1 - used as a wash sscrub or mask
BB Eye Roll-on - a roll that conceal and fights dark circles around your eyes

13. Are concealers a big no no for pimples?
Piling makeup on pimples is not recommended, but Garnier does have a solution - Pure Active Tinted Pimple Roll-On that helps to conceal and fight pimples at the same time

Hope the e-workshop on Acne care has benefited you as much as I've gained from it. 
After the session, I've been especially conscious with my daily skincare routine and i haven't for a day been lazy with going through the simple 3 steps. I'd like to express my thankfulness to Garnier again for couriering the new Pure Active Multi-action pimple care kits, which includes a scrub and a cleanser, to my residence. 

Till now, I've been using the sponsored acne kit (plus my bodyshop moisturizer and bioessence toner) for about 1 month. Well, in my honest opinion, my skin feels more refreshed and more deeply cleansed than before and for 1 month, the grand total of the number of zit that has appeared on my face is ZERO. ;) For the past months, I always encounter 1-3 spots popping out on my nose/chin/forehead, but after practising my skincare ritual daily, vanity and self discipline really pays off and tadah I CAN HAS CLEAN SKIN! 

I'm giving away 2 sets of Garnier acne kit 
that consists of a 100ml scrub and a 100ml cleansing foam for this entry!

The Garnier Pure Active Multi-action Scrub is a new scrub for acne-prone skin which cleanses the surface, deeply purify pores and remove impurities. 

The 2 powerful formula are the 
a. Purifying salicylic acid - an anti-bacterial active that have anti-microbial properties and reduces sebum production and exfoliates the upper layers of epidermis to prevent blocked pores and eliminates the impurities that causes acne. 
b. HerbaRepair - a natural blueberry fruit extract that stimulates the regeneration of cells to help accelerate the resorption of marks.

Directions: Gently apply the creamy scrub on your wet face and scrub in circular motion to allow the blue micro-beads peel off imperfection spots. Avoid the eyes and rince off with water after massaging for about 40 seconds. 

After exfoliating the dead skin, Garnier Pure Active Multi-action Foam comes in handy! This cleanser fights 6 signs of acne and relapse. You should find visible improvement in your problems of oily skin, pimples, whiteheads, dirt, enlarged pores and irregular texture after using this powerful duo in a few weeks' time. 

Directions: Apply a lathered pea-sized drop of it on your moistened face in circular movements. Avoid direct contact with the eyes. 

So.. Here are the details and simple steps if you want to take part in this giveaway! :)

1. Like my facebook page here:

2. Leave a comment with your email and tell me why you'd like to win this set of acne kit.

3. And finally Like and Share this post on your Facebook/Twitter by clicking on these sharing buttons at the bottom of the post. In your status, tell your friends/followers: 
"I want to win a set of Garnier Acne care kit from ziweisandy.com!" 
There's no harm in sharing these skincare tips by beauty experts ya? 
It's just so simple to join the giveaway. :)

Winners of this giveaway will be notified via email in 1 week, on 20th November! 
Students feeling stressed out with your exam revision, don't hesitate to take part in this giveaway.
Gotta look glam without zits even during mugging right? :) Friends, you're welcomed to join too.

I look forward to your participation. :)


P/s: Meanwhile, if you have any skincare issues or questions, do let me know via email (ziweisandy@gmail.com) or through the Nuffnangx comment function. I can help you consult the beauty experts from Garnier personally and get back to you asap. :)

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