19 Oct 2012

[Special post] My idea of how to enjoy Genting as a celebrity.

We only live once and our youth doesn't wait.

Pragmatism being imperative on one hand, sometimes, dreams are essential to give us sufficient dosage of serotonin and dopamine boost occasionally.

For the benefit of non-psychology students, to put it simply, serotonin and dopamine are basically the happy neurotransmitters that your body releases when you experience joy, ecstasy, euphoria, exhilaration and jubilation. ;p To instigate the generation of those happy chemicals throughout the body, researchers have suggested food like chocolate and milk products. But why rely on external sources when you can feel happy just by thinking of the possibilities of your future?! ;)

As an evangelist of Genting, if I were given an opportunity to enjoy Genting as a celebrity, imma make it the craziest few days not only for me, but for all the shoppers in the mall, thrill seekers at the theme parks and the kingdom of gamblers in the casinos.

In the day time, I'll get my media crew to set up large screens and projectors at various places like the Time Square foyer (where the statue of liberty is) of Genting First World Plaza, at the outdoor themepark, as well as all the casinos in Genting.

While the setup was bring done, being a privileged celebrity, I'll first head over to the Genting Palace restaurant for a many-course dim sum brunch, with a special request for the 12" by 12" Liu Sha Bao (custard bun) to be made, exclusively for me and my crew. #glutton #fatdieme

Lethargy and food coma might possibly kick in after the bingeing session and it calls for full-fledged relaxation at the M Spa and fitness at Genting to conserve and restore energy for the craze in the evening. 

My idea to rock the entire Genting upside down, inside out is a large scale, mountain-wide rock band and dance performance. My ideal stage would be located at the Genting Casino! 

So right in the midst of all the gambling tables, my dance crew and band would do it the flashmob style
like a stepup revolution!! Woots. My serotonin level is overflowing right now. LOL.
It'd be a series of Lady Gaga, Black Eyed Peas, Avril Lavigne, Nicki Minaj, etc - all the internationally renowned R&B songs. 10 cameras will be stationed in a manner surrounding the "main stage" zone to capture the havoc spiraling uncontrollably in the casino at different angles to be shot onto the huge screens all around Genting. The scene would resemble a music video coming to life as dancers will be scattered all over among the evening dinner crowd, stirring the atmosphere to its peak.

That 20min of flash mob would seem eternal until Gangnum style, the finale song plays! 
This orgasm moment should by then have gotten the shoppers, gamblers and diners all hyped up that all the Genting dwellers got onto their feet and do the final dance ALTOGETHER! 

We would all celebrate the success of this Genting-scale flashmob by going to one of the Superior Deluxe room at Genting First World Hotel for a house party~ Booze and fellow fun-loving dancers blasting the night away with music. :)


Bubbles maintain! Back into the head please! 
That was my extremely exaggerated dream of how I'd like to enjoy my Genting experience as a celebrity. 
Share yours with me? ;)

Chat with me on the Nuffnangx convo function below. :3
(You can long story cut short cos got word limit :p)


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