4 Aug 2012

Tweets of the week / Twitter controversies

Hey guys!

It's gonna be a RELATIVELY short post.

As you know I'm just another typical twitter addict, evident from the 12.7k tweets since 4th May 2009,
I'm gonna share some tweets in the recent week which I've favourite-d! :p

"Friendship is a two-way street. There's only so much you can do if the other party does not put in effort to maintain it." by @ladyironchef

"You can break my body but not my spirit." by @wesleyeot

"Don't catch a falling knife." by @peawhyy

"Be yourself? If your character/attitude/personality sucks, why bother being yourself. You should CHANGE yourself." by @kayeljaykei

"Don't just leave #likeaboss, when people could also leave your life #likeaboss." by @kayeljaykei

"When there is so much overlap, it's impossible to keep everyone happy. I should just keep myself happy." by @ngwenzi

"What a messed up world" by @ngwenzi

"The biggest joy in life is having to do what you love." by @ladyironchef :):)

Ok that was some good memory of mine + some stalking research done. :p
As I've promised myself to exercise self control and not get too long-winded here, I'll try my best to cut it short.

I think twitter is a very controversial social networking app.

It could do such a good job bonding people of different backgrounds together.
Most of my fellow university folks own a twitter account and are generally active tweeters of their emo thoughts, passion in food, outfits of the day, persistent hunger, complaints about the public transport.
Well, I'm generally a typical camwhore who tweets random burning questions or about my overwhelming excitement for random happenings or thoughts which I cannot contain within me for the next minute.
I'm not too sure if others are as attached to twitter as I am, but I read tweets during all the intervals of my activities.

For example, 
when I'm waiting for my students to complete their math questions, i read tweets;
when i wait at the bus stop, i read tweets;
when i'm on the way to the gym, i read tweets;
when i walk from 1 classroom to the next or to the deck, i read tweets;
when i first switch on my laptop, i read tweets;
when i see a damn hot guy/girl, i read tweets (and tweet about him/her also :p);
before i sleep, i read tweets.

It's due to the fact that I'm a very kaypo person by nature (explains my inclination to want to become a counselor/psychologist) and also that I love the open-style, nothing-to-hide, sms-like messages I exchange with my friends/followers. In my opinion, it doesn't really make people feel left out, cos you have all your rights to reply to any tweet you want. But if the tweeter to the tweet that you replied to doesn't reply your tweets, for many times, then it's either that your twitter account is locked and he/she doesn't follow you OR just unfollow that unfriendly, arrogant bitch/asshole la right. ;)

Talking about unfollowing, the problem with twitter is that you lose friendships via it too.
3 times I unfollowed tweeters (now ex-friends) on twitter just because I refuse to spoil my own day by reading their tweets (which i find annoying or offensive) in the morning. But i unfollowed WITHOUT the intention to stop befriending them personally. I mean you have all your rights to CHOOSE what you want to see or do right?
If you do not think that you can live with my tweets as they annoy you a hell lot, I won't feel offended if you unfollow me. (Probably I will take a long time to find out about your unfollowing or maybe never) It only means that our personalities are not compatible but which 2 people's personalities are 100% compatible you tell me? Haha. I have friends from all walks of life. Some I don't talk much with, but we're still friends. :)

1 thing for sure. If you're someone who can bitch blindly for the entire day just because someone unfollows you on twitter, and YOU don't bother to find out wtf is wrong with YOURSELF, then you're DEFINITELY worth unfollowing. ;)

With reference to @kayeljaykei's tweets, I've learnt from my Personality psychology module that it is almost impossible to change your personality as it is a chronic characteristic of yourself. I've changed by dropping/reducing horrendous traits and habits of myself. "It's difficult, but it's possible." (Tong, Eddie, 2012) If you know you've a screwed-up character, do still hold on to some hope for yourself and slowly change for the better. I support you!!! If you have a horrible personality (usually, people with above average looks, i realised), but not know it, you should stop being a goddamn narcissist and start realizing that you're living in your own world and that people are laughing at you for using pathetic ways to make people pity you. *puppy eyes* Oh I'm not saying all good-looking people are like that. :) Just a pathetic few.

To end off today's post abruptly on a happier note, I'm in the midst of doing 2 sponsored reviews and 1 sponsorship/ad proposal! My new cover is still halfway done, I'm immensely sorry and guilty about the delay. But, I've got a few fresh ideas in mind for the upcoming covers. I've so many things to handle right now, and I'm just clinching for some air spaces to breathe.

Learnt parallel parking today and daaaammmnnn I'm good at it. Hehehe.

Alright. That's all for today. Maybe a pweeeeety picture as a sneak peek to end your night? <3


Ziwei  :):)

P/s: Like if you like it! :B

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