31 Jul 2012

Nuffnang Genting Trip (Part 2) - Fun activities ;D


Hey friends!
I'm back with the Part 2 of my blog recount
for my sponsored Genting trip with Nuffnang and Brad, aka Ladyironchef. :D
In case you haven't read my Part 1 review,
I did a pure food-only review on Genting's yummy food.
Warning: Do not read on empty stomach ok!
Click here for PART 1:

Nuffnang Genting Trip (Part 1) - Food only :D

In this post, don't burst with envy upon witnessing how much fun we had over at Genting!
Most people would regard Genting as a place more suitable for the aunties and uncles...
BUT NO! Wrong wrong wrong.
You can do sho damn many activities whether you're with just your spouse/partner or
with a group of awesome fun-loving friends.
(in absence of Quinie da jie)
(Credits to Angie Cutie-voice Applepie)
Here you go~
DAY 1.

The group of selected bloggers gathered at Golden Mile at 0600 on this very fateful day.

Everybody felt rather lost, insecure and self-conscious as

the couples scattered across the spacious area outside Five-Star Tours office,
can't wait to board the bus to escape from one another's scrutiny. O.O

Boarded the coaches at 6.30.

Sorry I'm not those kind who take pic of coach chairs and tv one. :p
Anw, Leo and I were allocated to sit behind Brad, the celebrity blogger
and I was like tweeting to him "TAKE PICTURES WITH US LATER PLSSSS"
Lol, fangirl mode despite sleepiness and i wasn't even a foodie person den. LOL
Reached Genting after the 8-hour bus ride.
It was my 4th trip to Genting, and I still love the classy ambience this decor gives.
Here are the interior designs of the First World Plaza.
In my honest opinion, a bit overdo leh.
But if their interest is to excite the kiddos, yes they succeed.
I remember how overwhelmed I was with the sheer amount of things to look at when I was younger.
Childhood~ ^ ^
It was coincidentally their arts festival exhibition during our travel there.
Caricature! Life-sketching!
Mini wax moulds of celebrities on display.
JAY CHOUUUUU!!! *Faints*
Ok i think he look better in real life, NOW. <3
Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean.

Finally got our room card! Couldn't wait to head back to let our sleep-deprived bodies nuahhhhh...

The room is simple, clean and carpetted.


One moment.... O.O


Next..... -.-

Bee, camwhore is like that one ok? <3

More camho peekchas~
Outfit of Day 1: Love Bonito peacock print frock
(Not sure wad's the given name to this piece, but got it from the LB Warehouse sale at only $15!)
View from the hotel lobby at level 9!
I also stay at level 9, but this is wad i get back at home.
Not bad la, but look at the height difference. O.O
Hotel lobby


Some picture loots from Genting First World Plaza!





Didn't get the chance to try this + I nvr liked bowling
cos I'll always have trouble lifting the goddamn heavy bowling ball.

But this Glow-in-the-Dark bowling alley looked quite interesting.

Would have tried it out with my Genting kakis if not for KTV. :p
Wonder how it feels like to bowl in the dark. Maybe I have better night sense.

Had enough window shopping, so we headed back to the meeting venue to head to Genting Palace together for Day 1's 9-course dinner. Refer to Part 1 for review. ;)

Oh hi, these are my kakis again. :):)


Amanda and Esther. :)
Angie and her plus one, but they're not tgt. BUT then again, do you believe her? Well. ;)

Oh, us again. :p

Ah lian pose~

Ah bengs, aka jokers. Hehehe.

五连拍!!!!! With the <3lies
while waiting for our KTV room to be ready.

Group photo without me. Wai Esther sho emo!


Angie and her angellic song.

Leaves you lovestruck and wanting to pinch her cheeks, cos too cute liao her voice. ;)

方 小 童 :B

Damn he can sing!!! Tanked the entire K 歌之王 all by himself.

Great lung capacity siahhhh~

The policemen, Philip and Zyon doing Eason's songs. So havoc one our SPF. ;D

Wahaha I very camera ready one. ;D

深情合唱, awwwwwww. ;D <3


A little review on the KTV place:

It is just located one level above the glow-in-the-dark bowling alley at First World Plaza and

I think it's one of the best hang out places at Genting besides the cinema and themeparks!

Initially, I actually thought that their karaoke system only had malay songs, which Sg happens to lack.

To our pleasant surprise, yay SHO MANY CHINESE AND ENGLISH SONGSSSSS!!!

We took this package that entitled us 2 hours of singing for about RM88 per room.

So there were about 11 of us, so each of us only paid freaking RM8, about less than $4SGD!

The room is quite spacious and we got the hang of how to use the karaoke system in awhile even though the navigation page looked quite complicated at first.

Probably some cons of the KTV lounge would be the lack of soft drinks and the slightly smoky air.

But you get what your money is worth, so yup not complaining!

Had loads of fun with my kakis! :D


After the KTV session, some of us proceeded to the Casinos to watch the QUEEN do her theng. ;D

Learnt how to play some games but ended up not gambling cos not enough riggit!


Let's finally move on to...


DAY 2.


Morning camwhore. :p With Jaslyn!

and Quinie DA QUEEN!
Sleepyhead Leo.
Outfit of the day: Love bonito ruffled laced top with cotton blazer from Gmarket,
ripped tie-dye jeans from Bangkok and basic white scarf from Melbourne.
Outside the arcade at Genting hotel

The bloggers then headed for our 2nd sponsored meal at Resort Cafe hotel.
Read my food review here!
As you know, bloggers are a group of social media addicts who love to share joys and good deals with their followers on twitter and facebook, the bunch of us managed to get some Sim card details from Brad and yayyyyyy WE COULD HAZ 3G AT GENTING! kekeke.
This kinda made us -.- but no we didn't end up INSISTING for our receipts. hehehe.

Out to the theme park after brunch! :D

Camwhore. ;D

Two adult tickets even though I'm still not an adult at heart. T.T
(Credits: Quinie)
Nothing changed much. The weather is still as chilly as ever. Awesomez.
My new friends sho cute one. :D

Camwhore! :D

The guys, Philip and Zyon, queuing for the
i love this pic. :) and my happy boy in the pic. :)
I call this the "baby chair ride" since i was small. :)
Most beautiful ride besides the merry-go-round!
The Pator boating station!
Since famous bloggers love to haolian their outfits on their blogs, here is mine!
Outfit of the moment: Lifejacket ;D
Philip and Daniel (Quinie's plus one)
Mah 8sgd sandals from Bangkok! What a steal, i know right.
Wah my bee cycle until sho man~! :p

Jaslyn and Zyon.....

going under the Love Bridge. Awwww.....
Watch the Space Shot ride disappear in the clouds!! O.O

Unfortunately, we didn't have enough time to take this Space Shot ride.
And i also haven't got the guts to take it yet. Next trip then!
Hopefully I get chosen again for the next Genting sponsored trip in Sept! BRAD! CHOOSE MEEE!!!

THE ride. Shiok ttm, too short maybe.


Finally, I had my virgin ride on the Superman Flying Coaster! ;D

I felt damn insecure at first cos instead of being strapped-down to a roller coaster cabin,

I was just locked up inside the cage where we had to lie flat down on our stomach.

Despite knowing that the cage is definitely safe, I felt rather claustrophobic

cos we didn't have much space to move our head and hands much. :o

BUT I'd say it's almost as good as the Cockscrew!!! ;D

Just because we're such a FUN-LOVING bunch, we informed our tour leaders that we HAD to try the flying coaster and ended up turning up late for the sponsored International buffet dinner at Coffee Terrace.
Read my food review here!!
Late still camwhore. :p
Honestly, I had been looking forward to Khalil Fong's concert the most for this trip
since I'm into music and I've mandopop blood flowing in me.
MY CAT1 TICKETS!! Worth about 300RM!
The real Fang Da Tong and......
The real Fang Xiao Tong, trying to imitate Fang Da Tong. Hehe..
Look alike right this pose!!
Before the Xiao Tong (Kenneth) turned cocky,
we were still all fighting to snap a pic with him!
It was my first time watching a mandopop live concert at the Arena of Stars!
The venue is super spacious and my CAC Voices concerts is nowhere near this standard.
Then again, we pay for what we get.
The prelude to Khalil's concert was given a unique kick-start by some professional harmonica players who played "Just the way you are" by Bruno Mars.
It's simply a small musical instrument and yet they could hit every single note with ease so perfectly! Impressed!

Harmonica also can do duet style! :)

The crowd went berserk with their lightsticks when the lights dimmed.

(Pic credits: Quinie)


His epic face throughout the performance.

The stage. Awed by the effects the lightings can do. O.O



Sorry I play cheat one.

Took pics of the screen cos my cam is not zai enough to zoom into his face.


Khalil's 合音天使! They're added extra feel to Khalil's songs! <3


台风,互动 Thumbs ups!

Guest singer: Fiona Seet, hongkong actress/singer!
(Credit: Google image)
(Credit: Quinie)
Personally, I find her voice deep with quite a lot of base support, which makes her pitch sound kinda low.
But shes does has techniques and man she's skinny and hots.
Other than that, her interaction with the audience shows that
she's confident and has a casual and funny sense of humour.

After the show, the staff of Star Planet were efficient in clearing the crowd

but luckily we didn't get cleared out of the place too soon COS

LUCKY US GOT THE CHANCE TO HEAD TO BACKSTAGE FOR A PHOTO UP CLOSE WITH 方大同!! We got shoooo excited that I even came up with a crazy idea of giving him a kiss! :p

Leo didn't allow la ofkox. hehe. Leo and I were two thickskinned fanboy and fangirl who dashed to right at his front for the snap shot. Hehe.

(Credits: RWG)
Anw I took a video of Khalil singing 爱爱爱 and Love Song back to back!
Will upload next time!
Guess what happened after the concert. ;)

(Credits: Quinie)


Leo's magic performance?


(Credits: Quinie)
Drinking games ofkox!! :p
I guess it was the best way to get my Genting clique really bonded and understand one another better. :)
Unquestionably, the laojiao Arts-campers and the da jie Quinie and Daniel took over the proceeding
of having to finish 24 cans of Carlsberg with a group of non-drinkers (including myself).
I was merely helping Zyon fill up his cup of beer yo. ;)
Zyon: Intensely and lovingly and longingly staring at the beer!
Kenneth: "Eh why she got i don't have! I'M DA DRINKER MAN."
(Credits: Angie)
Thankfully nobody was drunk.
Just a few high lousy drinkers. :p
(Credits: Angie)
(Credits: Angie)

The night ended REALLY EARLY. Say 4am?
We had such a wild time together doing forfeits and laughing at the lousy drinkers.
I love secret-sharing sessions! Kekeke.

Leo and I ended up sleeping at 5.30am and only woke up at 9am
WHEN we were supposed to MEET at 9am. Oopsie.

AND this finally brings us to ....

DAY 3.


From here onwards, it's pure camwhore only. Hehehe..
I'll be putting up url links of fellow bloggers whom befriended at Genting. ;)
Do check them out!


Philip and Leonard, the guys with 6-packs. O.O
Leonard, Philip, Zyon and Kenneth
The tallest guy is ironically the youngest. O.O

With the singapura polis.

Photo-taking with xiao tong. :3
鲜花插在Philip上! O.O
With Amanda, Esther, Quinie, Angie and Philip!


Brad aka Ladyironchef!

While waiting for the bus, of course, there's only 1 thing left to do before we go separate ways.
You guessed it right. :)



Angie again!

Brad acting cute. -.-

Gabby with the singapura polismen!




Other time-worthy blogs:

Cheryl - Food blogger!

Stephanie - Chiobu blogshop owner!

Before I end off, I really want to thank an OG mate of mine for introducing me a photo editing programme.


Hope you like this entry and will really consider visiting Genting if you're planning a well-deserved getaway for yourself. <3




P/s: Sorry for not being able to do up the Khalil Fong cover in time. I believe good stuff is worth waiting for. :p


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