7 May 2012

Story of the baby bird that flew away :(

Basically, if you do read my blog, you'd know that a pair of loving olive-backed sunbirds
built a nest just outside in front of my gate.
A super fluffeh bright yellow baby sunbird was born amidst my exams. 
This morning, it learnt how to fly and wasn't found in its nest when i woke up. 
Bro ran out along the corridor, following the faint chirping that has become familiar these few weeks. 

We found it super adorably sitting on my neighbour's window ledge, tweeting helplessly
as if beckoning us to rescue it from unfamiliar place. 
We didn't dare to touch it at first, until my mum came in to act heroine. 
It got so afraid that it flew quite a far distance along the corridor,
crashed into the wall and got stranded at a corner quite unreachable. 

Sho poor thing hor! :'(

So we placed it in a container and was contemplating if we shld keep it as a pet.

It's sho fluffeh I'm gonna dieeeee!!

My mother was pretty insistent about keeping it until in the end i managed to convince her with my LSM1303 knowledge that we should not keep a naturally wild animal under husbandry. 
Another reason for not keeping it:
Its super dedicated parents

The mummy: observed to be responsible of the feeding duty.

The daddy: observed to make loud annoying calls to notify the baby that the mummy is approaching it to feed it. Both of them came at quite a fixed time interval for the feeding.

Baby sunbird sitting on top of a comfy-looking potted plant. 

I also observed that it stands on small-area edges and sticks better than on flat ground.

Baby why are you so camwhore as well?? <3

Didi Jun and the baby


See its size!!! Super punyyyy <3<3

Mummy sunbird finally found it so it can feed the clumsy baby which still couldn't fly properly without crashing into walls. 

See the small piece of dunno what food it has in its mouth.
Anw i suspect that the baby is a female cos she looks like her mummy. hehe.

Mummy's itchy fat fingers. Tsk.

And she got it sitting on her thumb. Cutie pie. 

It's one cute lump!  

You wonder what it's thinking. 
I think it was hoping to fly into the wide unlimited sky and it did. :(

Angry bird poses! <3 

Some human interactions. So much love.  

It flew away just when Leo reached my place for a visit. 
I'm missing it damn badly alr. :(

Uploading pics on fb right nao!!


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