12 Apr 2012

Updates of my life. (Long belated post)

I think I deserve a lil bit of personal time monologuing in this little space after spending 5 days straight at JE library mugging. T.T
Crazy temporary obsession with studying at JE now because
firstly, the library is relatively empty and less distracting comparative to school library/compound;
secondly, close proximity to my place;
thirdly, KOI is nearby (New favourite, Green tea macchiato! Thks Xiner for the recommendation! :D)
lastlly, JCUBE IS OPENED!!!! I have always loved bustling shopping places (cannot be too crowded) cos the atmosphere makes me feel chill. Anw, I know it's not the time to be too relax now. Exams are around the corner. :/ Anw, I've been constantly updating about my new discoveries of Jcube shops and places in my tweets, so, not gonna repeat here. :p

I had been inspired by FASS Club and Psychology Society to prepare MY OWN exam welfare pack for myself and my favourite people in school. :3
The pictures of my pretty girlfriends will be at the end of the post!
Happy scrolling and hope your mood brightens at my happy photos!! Hehe. :D:D

The "Express" Dinner
It's supposed to be a treat from Kelly and I to all our dancers. 
But we got some other closer voices mates whom we hang out more often with to join. :)
Pics are in absence of Xinling, our much-respected teacher/jie! She had stomach flu. :(

Grace! :)

Chiobu!!! Far left -> SIA air stewardess!

<3 them to death! Hehehehe..

Time for Rocher tauhuey!

Outfit of the day:
Flair top in metallic blue!

47th month celebration with <3 of my life!
Not exactly a celebration, just a full-day date. 
People ask me, celebrate every month not sian meh??
NO LEH! HEHEHE. :D I love hanging out with my bestfriend/boyfriend. <3
Now that both of us are schooling and are damn bz with uni workload, 
I lagi cherish our monthniversary date even more. <3 
K, enough mushiness for you guys alr? 

Standard procedure: Camwhore! 

Anw, I love my romper! 
Super comfortable, wear like never wear (HAHA)
Cos the material is soft cotton. <3 the floral prints ttm!!

Lunch at Ikea.
We counted and figured out that we hadn't been there for about 4-5 months alr!
How time flies! (And I just had my last day of school for my supposed last semester in NUS)

Fooling around cos I want to camwhore! HAHAHA.

Duchenne smile! <3<3 A super cute one! 

Dinner at Bt Batok Mayim, a Chinese restaurant that 
bbfl, Chao introduced us many years ago! 
The price of the food is relatively cheap and the xlb is yummy. *craving for xlb again T.T*
So lucky! Had my favourite food for lunch and dinner on our 47th. 幸福!

Topsy/Tuatow/T1's 4-6-generation Teletubbies picnic! 
Family portrait! My current cover photo on my fb profile page. :D

A pair of olive-back sunbirds visited my place again and built their nest right in front of my door gate! 
I think it's the same pair that has been visiting us these 3 to 4 years? 
They are forever building their nest at the exact same place - 90deg perpendicular to the centre of my front door gate. But, their baby sunbird didn't survive 3 years ago. I've have no idea why. :(
Hope this time will be truly fruitful for this tiny couple cos 2012 is only gonna get better! :D

Nest-building process - very long and tedious one I swear. 
Every morning I hear them tweeting to and fro the nest,
each time collecting a small bit of beddings back to in their effort to complete the nest. 

Incubating the eggs (I think they're not hatched yet)

She wakes up and opens her eyes every time we open the door to take a peek at her. 
Can't even get a good rest cos of human activities and curiosity. :p 

Xuewei's 22nd birthday celebration!
Held the failed surprise celeb at Modesto at Vivo. 
I'm thankful for this friend. The truest friend among all in the clique
cos she understands me and I really admire her kind heart! 
Always so selfless. :')

Oh I tried Squid ink pasta for the first time! :p

Unglam max, but lucky quite blurry. Hehehe.

Pretty photo! Omg. :D:D 

Tiramisu SUPER AWESOME and to die for!!

Another :D:D group photo!

This potential super model is Kendre.
The heart design on the back of her top is damn cute please!


Oh, standard procedure. LOL

Wicked, my first musical!
Tag along with Val's psych clique. 
Very paiseh, but they're such hospitable people! :D

The musical was unbelievable. 
I don't think anyone will be able to manage Elphaba's role as well as Jemma Rix. 
Ok, I haven't watched the original UK musical. 
But this lady, together with Suzie Mathers (featured as Glinda), took my breath away.
I never thought anyone could manage all the techniques and emotions in singing, dancing and acting live on stage this remarkably well.
I don't have any negative critique for the musical
as i'm not in the position to do comparison since it's my first. 

But those who haven't caught this musical, 
dont. wait. any. more!!!
Catch it before the cast leaves Sg! Last show - 22 April. (Exam period :/)

Met Sengkiat there. 
This time we took a glam photo! :D

She's one of those favourite people I mentioned at the start of the post.
Didn't miss her out for my exam welfare pack distribution. Hehe.

Outfit of the day:
Agneselle Flirty Drape Tubedress in Grapevine!

LoveBonito Wayde Wedges!
Comfy and elegant. :D

Exam Welfare Pack to my Powerpsych girls! 
Hehehe <3
(Gave to Lianne, the bff and Val, the zhi ji too.)

The colourful preparation! Smiley colours, i love!


Meijun! <3

Qian! <3

Siyi! <3

 Shenn, the wanderbabe <3


This is probably the last blog entry of April! 

Go go Powerpsych girls, T1, T5, Voices peeps, RV bball buddies and Leobaby! :D


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