21 Apr 2012

Exam tips and post-exam plans

Omg i shldn't be blogging.
Short one ok!

These are stuff that I've planned to do after exams!
- Book flea market booth and do adequate preparation this time!
- Do more wholehearted covers
- Look for Psych research assistant part time job
- Intensive tuition for 3 students + Jun + 1 potential neighbour student
- Go facial with bee
- Visit UHC for consultation on bone protrusion in knee problem
- Read more books
- Study stats all over again to prepare for lab next semester
- Exercise!!
- Learn driving
- Save money for BKK!
- Start looking for job for post-graduation

Meanwhile, to all those who are busy mugging, here are 3 quick study tips for you: 

(Tips are given based on my 3 year mugging experience for Psychology exam. My grades are not awesome, but I get better at understanding the concepts and learn how to apply my knowledge better.)

  • Snack on happy finger food that are not too heaty! Induction of :) mood helps to expand your memory and working capacity. Meanwhile, you don't want to catch a throat infection. So drink loads of water as you snack away! Examples would be M&M's, bite-sized Cadbury chocolates - they activate the release of serotonin, the happy neurotransmitters in you!)
  • Everyone has different study techniques and modules. For those studying Arts and Social sciences modules, try drawing up brief mindmaps to link up all relevant headers so that you can see the associations among points from a bigger picture! Make sure they are not too wordy so as to save time. You can always refer to both the more informative notes and mindmap while doing your revision . I use bright and vivid coloured pens and highlighters to do my mindmaps to induce :) mood cos my eyes love colours. (Don't overdo this, as it may give your headaches :p)
  • Revise through your notes as many times as possible. You might have missed out some small minute points which may come out for your exam. My attention focuses on different things and strengthen the memory for seemingly trivial points. 



  1. hehe jiayou for the rest of ur exams! :))

    1. JIAYOU TOO GIRL! :D Study at JE lib veeerrrryyyy soon! :)


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