8 Apr 2012

Deep thoughts in simple words :)

Just finished uploading photos onto my upcoming entry draft. Picture post, long one.
Lazy to narrate and hype up for that post right now, so here I am.

Have been mugging quite abit, not too efficiently though.
Only finished 2 chapters in 3 days. And have been eating ALOT. fml. :(
The reason to why i hadn't been productive lately is because I spent half of my public holiday out with my bestie!
It had been so long since both of us hung out. We were so bz we didn't even meet up for lunch in school on recent Wednesdays. But thanks to MITJU 70% sale, I managed to date the busy prospective Elle Magazine intern out for a dinner and shopping trip.

It felt really comforting to know that your long-time girlfriend is leading a happy life now and everything has settled down nicely. The friendship went through some rocky times in the past. Thinking about how we got close and open up to each other, i can only conclude, that true friendship is hard to come by. I'm blessed.

Anw, I had been thinking a lot lately, doing a lot of self-reflection and having spontaneous gushes of emotions overwhelming my soul from time to time. In fact, i do this quite often, especially when I'm alone without company. i.e. shower time, late night mugging session.

I thought through how I've changed gradually, inside out.
Not only has my temperament toned down, my exterior has toned down too.
i.e. make up, girlfriend told me i look rosier and not so fierce already.

I thought about my 47month-turning-4year relationship.
I still regard it as an asset, an achievement, a blessing and somewhere i can keep learning at our own pace and comfort.

I thought of the individuals who have personality issues which i used to suffer from but learn to let go eventually.
I learnt the meaning of cherish and the merciless forward-moving nature of time. I hope they learn it soon too.

I experience the luxury of knowing how to let go and managing deep thoughts.
Self control, discipline, distraction, I learnt how to smile. Smile more from deep down.
In fact, I enjoy being the now-me. :)

It has been quite evident what all these lessons have gained me. Only 4 months into the year and hey, I've grown. I'm not as self-centred as i was anymore. It was a genuine change cos it was totally not effort-demanding. Like a breeze, so relaxing. :) I gained trust, respect, friendship, hearts of friends, security, recognition and support.

I thought about my future too, but deviated from there cos I'm still living in denial that I'm supposed to graduate soon. Just wishing that I've enough time to finish the search on what I've missed out and what I hadn't internalized and learnt.

It's late. Before I end off, I need to pen down some goals here and be determined.
Stop spending money on wants. The overspending problem is getting out of hand.
My weight is 49 now, my aim is to lower it down to healthy-looking 46?
I'm giving myself 6 weeks. Regime starts tmr, 8/4/2012.

Let your world be filled with love, and gain as many smiles as you can the next moment after reading this post ya? It's worth the effort and emotional resource. :D

Nights people!


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