4 May 2012

Eventful first 3 days of freedom :D

Sooooooo, how's everyone!!?!?! :D:D
Most of you are done with exams too I guess.
For me, I've been busy like heavens during my first 3 days of freedom. :D

Got myself a book to read, The Hunger Games, from bee. He bought the entire series and there're already some people queuing behind me for the book. Saw that quite a few of my OG mates are re-picking up reading again this summer too. :) I wonder why, but this holidays just feels like it's gonna be the last most awesome 3-month break I'll ever have for the rest of my life already. Dramatic as it sounds, I really cherish it, starting from  the very first day. :) I hope you enjoy it as much as i have and i will be.

These 3 days are considered eventful cos it feels like I've done so many things! Especially things that I've wanted to do since before the exams, during the semester. So, I dyed my hair and had a haircut and hair treatment at a really cheapo hair salon at JE. Don't ask where and embarrass me thanks. :p Turned out that my hair colour and hair quality are quite awesome now. :D It's painfully short for me now, but I'm hopeful it will regain its length by the time i go Bangkok. I also got to finally change the tattered watch strap for the 21st birthday present from Leo's mummy. You know how important this watch to me as a reminder to have better self discipline in terms of punctuality. Such a joy to have it back on my wrist. Hehe.

Finally gym'ed after 1 month. It wasn't really intensive, but at least i got my ass back to the gym to keep fit and healthy. But, it's such a chore to upkeep the self-discipline and head down to the gym alone. I'm not a solitary person. I need a gym buddy as a motivator to keep me going. Not too sure whether I'm happy or sad, that Leo is now so damn committed to Muaythai that he refuses to head to the gym with me frequently like last summer holidays. Heh. So, any girl out there wants to be my gym buddy (in the west only)?? :)

I also finally got to meet up with some bros (Jon, Chitye, Alex, Desmond) and am meeting more girlfriends and schoolmates in the next few days. I'm especially excited for tmr's ktv session with da Powerpsych girls that I've co-founded (:p) together with Qian, Meijun, Siyi and Shenn. Best group of girlfriends in the NUS psych arena. <3 max!!

Just some updates on my to-do-list in the previous blog post!
Initially I thought that the chance of getting a part-time RA job is extremely slim, but here I am blogging about this fortunate event that has happened to me!! Best of all, the commitment level expected of me is only...........

2 days per week! 

And I get to gain experience with psych coding, do stuff related to offenders and deviants as I am keen in the psych criminology field and work in the same company as Leonard. He didn't get the exact same job as me, but is kinda recruited by the same company for another project. Best of all, my pay is awesome, 80bucks per day!!! Like I said, 2012 is only gonna get better and better and better. :D :D Sorry for boasting so much! Can't contain it, wanna record this beautiful start to my holidays in my little corner here. :3

Finally, before I end off, I'd like to update my supportive friends who've been giving me constructive advice and encouragement on my song covers during the last semester. I'm doing another cover soon, hopefully I can upload it by this weekend!! I'm pretty excited for this upcoming cover as it's sang by my favourite Chinese female singer of all time. Those who know me long enough and well enough should be able to guess. :D Have been listening to her songs almost everytime I listen to my itouch, so I hope I get the emo and flowy feel. Wish me luck in my aim to do this cover with more emotions ok! It's weird that I actually require some courage to start singing with more dramatic emotions on my youtube channel. Will do my best nonetheless. :) Last but not least, I'm FINALLY heading to M's studio this coming Monday for a duet recording. I'm gonna practise every night for it!!! Go Ziwei! :D:D

On a side note, I'm gonna upload the huge backlog of photos soon!! Here are a few sneakies. :)

AnF with bestie! <3


Outfit of the day: Basic spag with leopard prints chiffon maxiskirt 
(Edited the colour cos the original pic was too dark :p)

Impromptu bbq with the bestbrosforlife (in absence of chao :( )
Bee sho cute here right? <3

Happy 13th birthday Jun!! <3 you! 
Imma spend more time tutoring and helping my not-so-baby brother this hols too. 

Sleeping now! Sweet dreams~~


P/s: Does anyone know of lobangs of Blackberry Torch Housing in Singapore? Please comment or contact me if you know any pretty please? Thanks in advance!

1 comment

  1. I like the whole post except the A&F photo. Bleah.


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