5 Mar 2012

The importance of girlfriends


Short post here cos..

I just want to say thank you to these beautiful girls who've been there for me always. I really love all of them.

Lianne, Kelly, Qianhua, Valerie, Grace, Xinling, Siyi, Nadya, Meijun, Shenn, Xuewei, Medalene, Huishian

i know this short post doesn't do all your support and love for me justice, but i can't contain this sense of gratitude towards all of you in the midst of my intensive revision for my last midterms tmr morning. <3 yall much!

Thank you bee for being there for me always too. <3 <3

Friends, count your blessings too. Unimportant people obviously don't matter.

Back to mugging.


P/s: For those who don't read my blog/those whom I'm not in close close contact with now, I still hold you close to my heart and your names pop up automatically when i do a mental search for names of important girlfriends. :D

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