17 Mar 2012

Back-to-basics satisfaction


This is gonna be a brainless post as it's just photo updates as most of which I didn't post on facebook.

I'm just really grateful, looking back at the past week on what I've been doing and the people who spent their time with me. :) 

I found some back-to-basics happiness in the simplicity of the bits and pieces in my life. :D

Here you go.

Dinner at the prata shop nearby Leonard's condo. 
Maggie goreng is a lil too salty as compared to that selling at Ameen.
BUT their plaster pratas taste like heaven. ZOMG.
You definitely have to top it up with a glass of iced milo. Epic. Shiok.

Free toy that Leo got from the florist when he purchased the flowers for me at my performance.
Super soft. :3

The epic 2-storey-tall cactus seen at some ulu shophouses along West Coast Road.

Camwhore time before mugging at Fat Cow! :D

Cookie Monster Milkshake on the day following Emerge. Sinned!

This is Pizi, my 2-year-old baby hamster. 
Her husbands and children have passed on due to different reasons
and I'm really cherishing her madly as I've heard that the average life span of a hamster is 2 years. 
Her body condition has been weak lately due to old age. 
I still love her much! <3

Sinner, I am.
Chewy junior. Yumz.

Then, I managed to find some time to spend with Jun.
Brought him out to JP to mug since it's his holiday week. 
Looks like he's coping well with his Secondary 1 life. :)

Green tea frappe. Our favourite.

Much resemblance? :)

Aww. No more baby brother. <3

AND very obviously, no more baby sister. 
But she's the closest lil girl to me ever. <3

Pretty leggy girlfriend, Qianhua.
The nice one to accompany to SimLim Square to buy my G12. <3
Thanks for braving through the battles in our Psychology modules thus far. :')

At school canteen, the deck again.

Super cute T1 freshies! :D :D
Shiya and Fangying. Haha. More glam shots next time. 

Bee, why do you look so proud of your food? Kekeke.

2 plaster pratas at Engine canteen for dinner.
Not as awesome as those at the prata shop nearby Leo's house though.

Fangying's meaningful purse. 
T1 arts queen's hard-earned money inside. 
She eats too much btw. Still can be so slim!? Not fair.

Thank you bee for accompany me to collect my 200$ vouchers i won from cozycot!

Latest photos in the cam:
Bought a Ginvera spot corrector and 
finally the Loreal YouthCode Pre-essence. 

Not too sure about its effects. Will see! ;)

Did a product review: READ!

I've been tweeting excessively these few days to get back in touch with those who deserve more care and love. I'm an overly emotional person anyway, might as well share some with my awesome friends especially when these emotions are highly positive at the moment. :)

Intensive gym session with best bro for life Deekhade today. Felt lightheaded after 4x2 100m sprints.
2 months of dieting without exercising at all and he wanted me to do sprints immediately upon my return to my gym regime.

To the little poodle, hey I got to know at least 10 other people who think you're childish too. Time to reflect dear! :D (cyberbully much but born this way *shrug*)

In other news, I got called up by a music company and was asked to head down for an interview this coming Monday. Excited. 2 songs to prepare, which should I choose?!


Back to doing research now! :D



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