1 Mar 2012

Twitter? Internship?

Hi March, look what I found in the fridge. :3

I guess I'm still blogging here quite sanely despite the many backspacing and slow finger movement under the influence of the master above. (I seriously think only music and a dance floor can do justice to this feeling. Hmm)

Ok anyway, I'm supposed to do a blog review on the Loreal Paris Youthcode Essence. But I'm too tired right now for a review of quality.

Just some stuff up in my mind these few days, in the recent weeks.

I'm considering opening up my twitter account to public so that my friends who don't own a twitter account know that I'm still alive and kicking despite my status-silence on facebook. At the same time, I think my tweets have toned down alot in terms of Bitchology. So, they probably won't affect that greatly any friends/acquaintances out there (anymore). I truly think that I'm in almost 90% control of my abrasive, direct nature style of tweeting alr. Obviously, there'll be some girls out there who are just too good at getting on my nerves. But yea, I'm in control. Chill. Thirdly, I thought it'd do my blog good if i make my twitter account public cos i seriously think that some of my tweets are interesting. (referring to the retweets of friends and famous tweets out there). Of kox, i'll have to deal with the stupid spams and strangers' remarks on my tweets. Hmm. Still in the midst of consideration. Should I or not? Maybe give me some advice?

Another decision that I've slowly come to is that I will most probably not take up an internship this coming 3-month break. I remember one of my CCA-mates/friends telling me that when we graduate, we're gonna start work and continue working non-stop for the following 40+ years onwards, might as well cherish the 3 months of time and commitment luxuries and enjoy life now while we're still schooling. That I'd agree, cos I am quite sure i'll be able to get a decent-paying job with my degree, major and the nature of the industry I'm interested to go into. :/

This 3-month holidays, i aim to spend more time with my family. I'll bring them out for family days and dinners more often than now, as well as spend more effort in tutoring my bro for his sec 1 academics. I'm planning to purchase more recording equipment and do more recording. Basically, I want to work on this blog. Not for fame, but for "personal development" (Sounds like the self-actualization stage of Maslow's hierarchy of needs i learnt in Psych) + to entertain my friends. :D Ofkox i'm looking at getting constructive criticisms to improve on. 2012 has been an awesome year of learning and gaining for me thus far and I'm being optimistic about March and onwards. :)

Really tired. Before I end off, just a quick question. Did anyone use this correction tape when you were in primary school!? The price has inflated unfortunately, but i haven't seen it around for a daaaammmnmnnn long time. Found it at Duyi Bookshop at West Mall. :D

May everyone have an exciting and productive March. :D Work hard and play hard. :D

Most importantly, love yourself and the ones who are worth your love more this March. :):)
(For me, I'm referring to my friends and family.)

May all do well for their midterm tests, project presentation and exams! <3


P/s: Buy emerge tickets from me!!! I've the tickets for sale already! <3


  1. Hey i bought the Emerge tickets from my other friend. Bought from him cause i'm helping with consolidating my jc class tickets(they going to support him).

    But I'm also asking those i see around to go support you! I think Shiya, Chester, Wai Kit, etc are going too? But I dunno if you contacted them!! Need help or anything let me know yeah!!!

  2. haha thanks boss. :) i'll ask for confirmation tonight from all of them. Thanks much for supporting. :D


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