9 Apr 2013

CNOS 2.0 Pictures (Part 2)

Hey guys!! I'm back with the pictures!
CNOS 2 ended more than one week ago and I'm really glad the bloggers are still keeping close contact.
And I foresee that our friendship will last long because of the awesome dynamics of the group. There're many early birds around to initiate "good mornings" every morning and leaders as well to organise outings and gatherings for one another's birthdays. It feels as though we're really a family of little kids taking care of one another in our little corner of the blogosphere. Very heartwarming actually. :')
My previous post was a super lengthy but heartfelt entry where I shared my insights, reflections and experiences I gained from "graduating" from CNOS 2. In my opinion, even though there are only 3 winners who emerged champion and runner-ups, all the 20 over of us are winners of our supporters, family members and loved ones. I can never thank the organisers and the people who decided to shortlist me in this competition enough. XIEXIE WOR~
Here are the overdue photos which I've promised to blog about! Pardon my relatively wordless post this time okie? ^^
The stage which was set up at the basement of Cathay Cineleisure. There was actually not much space up there as the table for the judges took up quite a fair bit of the stage. But all the sportimg and enthu bloggers still managed to squeeze onto it at the end of the event. ;)
I wanna thank bee, Leonard, for forking out his precious Saturday to come over to Cine to clap for my performance, take video for my performance, cheer for me during my catwalk and hug me when I didn't win anything. Love you loads! Can't ask for a better and cuter boyfriend le..
Thanks Xiner and JS for popping by intentionally or not to give me your support! I'm really really blessed to have friends like you who keep giving me encouragement whenever I produce a blog post or video cover. Thanks!!
The prizes: Gaming keyboard, Olympus Pen camera, winners' sashes, whole year supply of movie tickets and a thousand-dollar note! :O 没有我的份... Haha.
With Miss Bong!
It was my first encounter with Qiuqiu and she left a really good impression by being so friendly with everyone even though we're just small fry contestants. I love famous bloggers who don't put up an arrogant front. ^^
With Beatrice! She looks so fabulous in all her outfits!! Thanks bea for this photo! ^^
With Peggy, owner of Tiramisu Hero! She complimented that she likes me youtube covers!
Starstruck sia! Thank you thank you!
Vivian, the cutie. :)
Shenny, the hot babe. 2nd runner up and winner of Cineleisure's overnight sensation!
Noelle Mikazuki, the girl with the angelic voice! ^^
Sluttydiva Don! Hahahah. Leader of team Puck!
Love his bubbly personality and permahigh energy level!
Pretty Katriel!
Adorable Cheryl!
TIffany Wong, another lucky ZR700 owner! But hers is red, so my white one still prettier. :p
With my favourite favourite girl from CNOS2, Amanda! :):)
Barbie-faced-milky-skinned Huixin!!
Pamela, the hiao zhar bor! Hahaha.
Chiobu Jojo and Damien is cute daoooooo~
With Yandao Jourdain!! :)
With Clinton, not Clifton, our guitarist of the night! :):)
If you haven't seen our first collab performance,


Thank you all of you for the best month of my life - March 2013. :D



Most of the camwhore photos are taken with my new sponsored CASIO EX-ZR700. Love the makeup mode that smoothens out all of our skin texture instantly. ^^


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