9 Jan 2013

Being a good girl in 2013 :B

In case you don't understand the emoji that comes after "2013" in the post entry title, it's an innocent and hopeful face expression which consists of 2 beady small eyes and 2 hugeass front teeth. That's me, anticipating to unravel what the future might bring me. I've been a good girl these few days when Leo hadn't been in town. I didn't know I actually have such an ability to keep myself occupied with so many activities to avoid missing the boyfriend too much. Well, I guess it is quite an achievement for me for I hadn't really not seen the boy for more than 2 days consecutively. Yes, I'm quite fortunate in this aspect. Yesterday I spent the entire day with my Psychology girlfriends from 1 to 9+pm, chatting about guys, relationships, our social life, traveling, job search, psychology modules, not a single topic that would bore me when I'm at it with them. Not to mention, *erhem* a good-looking European angmoh attempted to buy me a fruit juice and asked me out at a food court (of all places). Anyway, during my free time, I was so-called working and youtubing certain songs with lyrics on screen and learning them routinely on public transports. At night, I even advanced through some pages of the current book I'm reading, Life of Pi. This morning, it was even more epic cos I woke up at freaking 7am when I slept only at 3+am. But, the sacrifice of sleep was definitely worth it for a 12-hour lesson of learning sound engineering! It was my first time clearing all the doubts I had of my technical shortcomings and queries which really frustrated me for the past 1 year. DJ Ervin Indigo is a true genius I swear!! Email me at ziweisandy@gmail.com or ervin.koh89@gmail.com if you're a newbie at sound engineering like me and are interested to take up this new skill. (Can take in groups!) After the intensive crash course, I didn't know what came over me to head out for a 30min jog around the West Coast neighbourhood when I already knew I was sleep-deprived. Anyway, even after ranting and sharing so much of the above, I'm extremely immensely absolutely satisfied with how I've fully maximized my 2 days, sticking to specifically 5 out of 10 2013 new year resolutions somemore! :) Actually, it's in fact still too early for me to conclude that i'm a good girl this year since it's only the 8th day. But, omg i'm super enjoying it! Hopefully my very fulfilling passion and aspirations would move or motivate you a slight bit to squeeze as much opportunities and enjoyment as possible out of life. Keep the passion burning people! Roar!!!!! :B

Thanks for dropping by for a read. <3

Btw sorry for the wordy post! :p

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