7 Jan 2013

2013 New Year Resolutions + Music updates

Hello diary,

I'm back to be full of myself on my blog again, apologies.
This year, my 2013 new year resolutions are very very simple and straightforward.

One. Get my dream job
To be revealed!

Two. Pay up my school fees
Approximately 30k to clear. -.-

Three. Be a morning person eventually
When I start work this year, I have to! Boohoooo!

Four. Run 12-15km per week (wef 2nd week of Jan)
Fattening at lightning speed and missing my Emerge 2012 figure. Oh well, woes of loving food.

Five. Read more books
Still at Life of Pi. I'm a sloooooowwww reader. Anyway, I could totally tell that the author is a genius when i was still at the first few chapters of the book.

Six. Pick up new skills 
Photoshop. Photography. Ukelele. Sound engineering. Harmonizing. Videography. Song-writing. Instruments. Etc.

Seven. Produce 2 covers per month on average with improvement and widened genres
I'll learn a lil videography to spice up my upcoming videos! Please stay tuned, I can't do this without your support, my friends!

Eight. Cherish my friends and family members more
I never fail to re-learn the meaning of true friendship and the heartwarming kinship whenever they shower me with love that I didn't know I deserved.

Nine. Sustain all the other 2012 resolutions which are yet to be achieved 
Driving license, Taiwan, savings

Ten. Enjoy an even more fruitful, productive and gleeful 2013. :D
I just want to stay happy. It's not greedy to wish to be happier than last year ya?

Even though there's no official end to the holiday I'm currently in, I can feel that I'm running out of time. There's pressure for me to achieve a breakthrough this year. I'm at the stage of transitioning from being a student to becoming a self-sufficient working adult and this process is so making me anticipate the many opportunities this year will present me! As I look back at the first 6 days of the new year, I must declare that I'm loving 2013 thus far!

I've been working every single day and i can't be happier to self-declare singing as my current (non-profitable job), just because I'm totally loving it~ When I mean work, I mean spending my day in the home studio blasting into my poor mic (which is starting to not satisfy me) or youtubing a greater variety of songs for exposure when I'm out of that studio. It's a daily occurrence and I'm not feeling sick at all about being such a hermit in my musical shell. In the past 6 days, I've had 3 recording sessions and am now in the midst of preparing for 3 song covers! Are you guys excited to hear what I've got!? I can't sit tight any moment now thinking about my packed January, 80% reserved for singing to practise for my upcoming competition, a round 2 audition and 2 song collabs. Eggciting ornot!? Think already also can orgas, really. I may sound a lil over the top to be for just a non-profitable "job", but i'm glad enough to do it freelance and full time even without payout (for now) anyway. May this breeding period turn out really fruitful!

Summarized music updates: I'm currently in the midst of working on a Taylor Swift solo cover and 2 harmonized duets with 1 buddy and 1 bro. It's a blessing for me to get to know my super talented musically-sensitive new band members (2 guitarists and 1 pianist) whom I am determined to improve together with. I've a 贵人 who's gonna teach me about mixing and sound engineering! Way to better audio quality on Ziweisandy youtube channel! Besides that, another duet partner and I are planning on a special festive cover, of which I might be re-picking up my 二胡 to perform! O.O Can you guess what festive??

Apologies in advance because I'll be taking some time off advertising and food-blogging for the moment to concentrate on what I really want to do for now. But, don't worry, I will not stop blogging about food! Hope to share some good news by the end of this month which is soon!! :)


P/s: I picked up my Hello Kitty ukelele recently and am trying to master chords from 2 songs now! ^ ^

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