10 Oct 2012

[Personal] Diary style updates

Dear diary,

I know many are reading, but I just need to pen down some thoughts. This diary is no longer like before. I'm well aware that it's a taboo to bitch explicitly about anybody on the online journal now that the blog has grown and expanded. Not that I do bitch anymore nowadays, it just feels different because I need to specially watch my words, be it on twitter or the blog. The urge to reply to an offensive tweet which seems like it's directed at me is much reduced. Not that I've become less aggressive, but i'd attribute that to better self control. You can never stop learning and improving, really. "Your change is kinda refreshing. Well, I guess it's a good thing" This is quoted from the bestie whom I've known and gone through a great deal of shit with for 4 years. I'm happy to embrace this change, pull through life positively and see what the future has in store for me.

I seldom blog about personal happenings anymore. In fact, I've sensed some fatigue in myself from blogging about food when I can't even articulate well. Honestly, I don't think I am as talented as my bestie, Lianne, in writing, neither am I as expressive as Brad/Amanda in describing and recommending food. Needless to say, my strength is in camwhoring, socializing and being thickskinned. Photography, I may have slight advantage over some friends, since I'm equipped with photo-editing software, a semi-pro camera and a vain personality. This blog entry may mark the watershed to ZiweiSandy.com. I have decided to take a chill pill at doing food reviews. Entries regarding food in the future will not be food reviews per se, but simply photog posts with brief and shallow descriptive reviews and I can finally stop trying to hard to do what I suck at - writing. Damn, i miss blogging in such a relaxed mood. Blogging should not be a chore, right! I believe many people out there are still searching for what they're living for and what they're willing to live for for the next 60-80 years of their life. I'm one of them. I'd greatly appreciate that critics/haters out there reflect upon this fact of life too before belittling my will and determination. I'm well aware of what I'm capable of achieving. Just saying.

Meanwhile, my backlog of food reviews which i had promised to write about has accumulated up to about 6-7 albums of photographs. School and blogging events have been sucking up a hell lot of time, but I'm not complaining. I love going for events and having fun with friends of the same interests. :) I've thought through that by compressing these food reviews, I get to save some time in blogging more about my reflections and ESPECIALLY finding time to do new covers. I regret to admit that my passion for food-blogging has died. Of course, the tummy will complain, but I get to save more money and can finally not feel stressed about not living up to my own expectation of blogging about food regularly. Just to clarify what this blog entry is about, I'm not gonna stop blogging about food, neither am I gonna completely stop hunting for awesome blog-worthy, I'm just trying to diverse my attention to stuff that I've greater interest in, like music, Psychology and outdoor events.

I'm so not gonna let this blog become too commercialized. My plans for ZiweiSandy.com's future would be to blog more about events, travels, products and youtube videos that interest me greatly, as well as to update more regularly with my music-related stuff. Besides, I'm looking at blogging about my 2 only modules in my last semester in NUS in the near future. :) Just in case you're unaware, these 2 modules are namely Sexuality in comparative perspective and Social Psychology laboratory module. The former discusses radically and extensively about how different cultures perceive sexuality, the diversity of it and its politics. As for the latter, I'm currently conducting an experiment through an online questionnaire together with my 3 other steady and responsible groupmates. As of now, we've received a number of positive comments saying that it's interesting. Will talk in depth about this after data collection! ^^

Heaving a sigh as i finish my final paragraph to this entry, I'm hoping for the best in whatever I have in mind now. Feel free to respond to any entry using the Nuffnangx chat function which has replaced the comment function ya! ^^ I love to read comments! x

As usual, I'd would post some pictures for fellow visual readers and friends. Here are some sneakies for the 2 posts that are coming up this Friday and Sunday. :) Enjoy.

Xin Wang HK Cafe Wee Owl launch. 
My new membership card! Post will be up on Friday.

Bintan Lagoon Resort, fully sponsored by Journeyful and Nuffnang. 
2d1n trip just last weekend. It was the first time I felt as pampered as a VIP guest bcos everything on the island, be it food and activities, is free of charge. Maximum enjoyment. 
Stay tuned for Sunday's post. :)


P/s: If you haven't noticed, I am much more lively when talking about stuff that i write better at. ;) Who doesn't! 

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