21 May 2012


Work is......... interesting! :D

Looking forward to it, especially when I only have to wake up at unearthly 6.30am twice a week!
My colleagues, fellow NUS Psych majors, are super friendly too!
One of them is going America to pursue 4-year-PHD post-grad study in 2 months' time and
he's on the same boat as me: want to do honours cannot do.
Being rich is so shiok. Heh.

Ok good nights!

19 May 2012

New cover: Reflection - Theme song for Mulan (+photo updates)

Hey guys! 

Check out my new cover which i posted ytd night! 

Reflections by Christina Aguilera
(Song featured in Mulan)

Just some updates here. 
After recording 2 songs smoothly on my awesome HP laptop, it just decided to crash today after 3 years! T.T
Super sadded, not because i can't do any more recordings (which I'm not gonna, cos I'm in the midst of learning new songs), but it's cos I have toooooooo many stuff inside my lappy which I can't have access to them for e nxt week, i.e itunes which is sync'd to my itouch. Boooooo!! Gonna bring it to the HP service centre for repair next week. Sigh sigh.

Next week's gonna be a busy week cos I'm finally gonna start work!!! 
Omg, i have no idea what to wear to work cos I don't have and don't wear jeans and we're allowed to wear smart casuals. Maybe a skirt, have to dig for a decent one tmr night.
I'll be seeing probationers every working day man. How exciting. 
Looked through all the relevant docs which my boss Dr I sent me and I was telling a fellow trainee girl beside me during training about how cool it is that I had nvr imagined myself looking through such details. Ok shall share no more. ;)

As for our Bangkok trip, we kinda have a rough outline of where we're going and what we're gonna do for the 5-day trip and I'M SUPER LOOKING FORWARD!! 
Definitely gonna stock up on clothes to last my final NUS semester, as well as to start buying office clothes. Mehhhhhh, totally not looking forward to starting work full time. No life afterwards. Sian.

Ok, I'm gonna sleep at 12am tonight. Enjoy the photos! :p

We love sneak-in shots. :D

And i love doing duck faces. As if I'm not ugly enough. But heck lah. :D 


Paradize Dynasty with my Powerpsych Girls! <3 
Can't believe that we're making this an official name for the clique. LOL.

Pretty Meijun and Chef Shenn. 

Oh yea, ofkox my pretty Express girl, Qian. :D 
and fat me.  

Like spam cheese and garlic xlb only. 

And yup, I brought the Mojojojo along and treated him to 1 long of xlb
to thank him for helping me with all the heavy recording equipment. Thanks beejojojo. <3

THE POWERPSYCH GIRLS. (in absence of siyi -.-)

Mothers' Day dinner at Cz'zar @ Great World City

Aunty and handsome bee. :3

Aunty and I camwhored a great deal.
Shall upload on fb. hehe.

The dishes were damn tasty: 
Fried brinjal
Black pepper scallops
Herbal chicken
Seafood horfun 

Omnomnomnomnom and we're done! Woots. 

Pre-facial naked faces at Beyond beauty @ Orchard Central. 

The girl who did the facial for me was Angie. She's very friendly and polite, unlike the other older woman (xiaoli) who served Leonard - condescending and stubborn. Tsk. 

11.40! TIME TO SLEEP! :D

Nighty nights! :)


16 May 2012

A Thousand Years - Christina Perri (Ziwei's video cover)

Hey guys! Check out my new cover! 

VIDEO COVER THIS TIME HOR! Don't playplayyyy. :p
Sorry that it doesn't sound super awesome. :( 
BUT I promise better video cover next time round! :D :D
A LOT OF SONGS TO DO! Woohoo~ Learn until shiok.... ;)

Christina Perri - A Thousand Years (Ziwei's video cover)

Meanwhile, keep the song suggestions coming in!
All suggestions are on my list now. :)

Nights people!


14 May 2012

My music plan updates & photospam! :D

Some updates on my music before i spam those photos. 

I just bought a new set of mic and recording equipment for recording. 
Don't ask me about the ouchy price. Thanks. :p 
I'm not rich and I don't have a singing dream. 
Having set myself upon this decision on the seemingly no-return investment,
I just want to have my own personal project which fully ran by myself and 
ofkox with the valuable and greatly appreciated help from those who care to. :)

These people would include Leonard, M, my powerpsych girls and all my awesome supportive friends who bother to/happen to listen to my covers and give constructive comments. :D:D I'm really grateful for you guys, cos i'm aware that my skills and emotions and what not are not sharpened yet. 
But trust me, I'll not give this up and I'll keep on improving for myself and for those friends who look forward to my covers and hope to see me improve. 

If you ask me, what is the end goal of what you're doing now, 
all I can say now is just purely improvement. No big singing dream even though it's sweet to dream so. 

My plan:
I've actually lined up quite a number of songs to practise for my solo covers and some duet covers. 
Will be familiarizing and practising new songs with the new stuff first before recording for covers now. I guess I've learnt the lesson to not embarrass myself with cui-ness overloaded covers before posting. :/ Haha :p
Imma try video-ing my covers after I've more or less get my voice, techniques and emotions (decently) there. Hmm. Maybe long way to go for now. Hmm. Considering only la.

Finally done updating about my music plans. :)
I'm open to song suggestions or song challenges (?!??!), as well as duet partners! :) Leave a comment k? <3

~ ~ ~ 

Whooo. Took 2 nights to upload all these photos cos i had been quite distracted with scouting for new songs to cover. 
Believe it or not, cos i still can't. I had been singing daily and nightly until 4am without fail. 
Screwed up body clock but I'm not working full time this holiday, so dont care lah!
Anw, here's yet another brainless photospam on:
1. Grandma's 69th
2. Powerpsych girls' Kbox outing
3. Avengers with bee and Jun
4. Beer market with T1
5. New baby ;D

Enjoy! :)

Grandma's 69th celebration with the family <3

Cheap bday cake, but full of <3ly strawbies and cherries. Noms!

Mummy and Li.

Uhm, naked face! O.O

Popo full of smiles during the bday song of the celebration!

Popo making a wish. Sho cute! hahaha.

Li, Me and Jun making funny faces! Hahahahahah. Fun eh! 

A proof that we're siblings: the tongue-roll thing runs in our blood.
Psst: Leo can't do! :p


The only guest of the celeb. 

Sho lucky! Bee got a double yolk egg for his 红鸡蛋! Not fair!

Powerpsych girls' 1st outing: KBOX

So engrossed. 美!

Fat faced me beside another chiobu.

Dunno what this chiobu is doing. -_-

And HOMG I FINALLY bought the hellokitty specs from *Scape!
Omg have been so jealous that every girl has this and i don't. 

The Avengers date with bee and Jun

Queuing for Manhattan. 
Note the crowd behind. All staring at the rink. 

Hazelnut smoothie, super yums!

Cheesy platter!

Woohoo look at the mountain of calamari. :O

I think my photography skill got potential. :D

Beer Market for FASS Graduation Party! :D

We're not graduating yet but the music and atmosphere were too awesome to miss. 

Their honey-glazed wings. YOU MUST TRY. 


The rest headed to Dollies and we headed back for supper to dilute the alcohol and saturate some fats within. :/

Double egg prata: first try. SHIOK!

New baby: Kittylele! :p

I only know how to play a few chords. Will learn and hope to post a video on it when I'm ready. :)


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