9 Aug 2013

[Ziwei's cover] Home. HAPPY 48TH BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!


I won't consider myself an extremely extremely patriotic/political Singaporean. However, I'd still like to give thanks and take this opportunity to appreciate all the things I've been blessed with as a Singaporean. Thank you forefathers for the law that's keeping Singapore's crime rate low and my family and loved ones safe, the economy so stable so much so that most of us are employed and leading decent lives, the education system that pushed me to outdo myself throughout the 18 years and the everlusting local food that kept me so well-fed/fat for the past 23 years. 


2 Aug 2013

Juicy updates. Of my life.

Hello friends and readers! 

I SHOULD be back with another advertorial but I don't want to restart blogging with another commercialized post. I have too many overdue blog posts I owe to several sponsors and yes I do feel the pressure. So....., this entry I'm sure will mark a great start to August and my upcoming contributions to this blog once again. :)

1. WORK 

I'm happily employed as a financial consultant at Peter Tan Organization in Prudential. For the month of June, 2nd month of my career, I managed to achieve the first few milestones of my working life!

Tadah! Top 5 rookie (newbie) for the first time in my 2nd month
Earning a pay of 4 digits, starting with a 4 too! ^.^ v

Cannot thank my boss, Jianming and seniors like Huijun, Jacelyn, Nelson, Xiangkuan and Kimnam enough for guiding and encouraging me. :) 

My first company incentive trip will fall on mid Sept. Meanwhile, I'm praying hard that my clients are happy with my servicing and sincerity as their financial consultant. :) I love them all. All so sweet one. :) 

Thank you VF8! <3


On the other hand, I'm also newly single. 
Personal friends can ask me more when you see me. 
Thankful to have supportive family members, boss, friends and colleagues through this very tough period of letting go of a 5-year relationship with a super selfish guy. You'll be a very beautiful part of my memory always. 


I finally graduated from NUS! :) 
So touched that my family members came down to school and cheered for me when I went on stage to collect my certificate. No matter what, the ultimate purpose of my presence in this world is to give my family a good life in time to come. 

And I graduated with all my favourite girls coming down to convey their blessings. Thank you Shenn for the mortarboard cupcakes! So sweet of ya!!!! <3 <3 <3 

Thanks Leonard, for coming down with the flowers too. :') imy


One more update. I've officially moved out from my home and rented a room at a friend's place to stay by myself. No regrets even though it made me miss but cherish my family members a lot more. I made it a point to meet up with them for a good meal once a week at least. Anyway, yall don't 胡思乱想 k. I didn't have any dispute with them, just needed a conducive space for myself to be more focused and productive. Fortunate to have such a cute and sweet landlady too. ;) 

Some happy moments captured with my family last week at my Din Tai Fung treat after I collected my GST voucher from the awesome goverment. Hehe. 

6. ME

Since I'm all independent again after 8 years, I got some excuses to have more me-time (which includes camwhoring) right? Wah, I've been splurging quite a bit to refill my stash of make up and some NECESSARY outfit for work. Hehe. Tadah!

Ervin was so sweet to caption on facebook "missing a pair of wings and a halo"! 
Love the pureness and freshness of this chiffon overlay dress I bought at Purpur at Jurong Point for about $35+. Note2 cover was purchased at Cineleisure, Beadstreet for $2!!!!! :)  

Got OL feel ornot? I still feel very XMM at heart leh. 

Filters x Curls x Me x 4 

Camwhore 自拍照 on an SBS bus on an afternoon. 
Editted with Camera360. 
Falsies from Sasa. orange lip stain from Revlon.
Liquid eyeliner from Red Earth.
Medium curls using Panasonic Ceramic straightener/curler. 

Love life! Life's great! :)

It's all in the mind. 

P/s: Read more about my experience at work at http://confessionsofafinancialconsultant.blogspot.sg/ 
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