23 Jan 2013

#1 - Fast way to lose fats: Sprints

Hmm life has been a lil more chillax for me these few days. Realised that i'm really someone quite hard to please cos i complain whether or not I am busy.


Anyway, right now I'm trying very hard to fight the lazy monster residing in every part of me. So far so good because I just went for sprints and runs for the past few days, in the afternoon somemore. Even though the distance covered isn't very wow-ish or impressive, I managed to come out of my own comfort zone of running long distance to doing sprints, of which all my bros, guy friends and boyfriend are telling me that it's the most effective way of losing fats. Initially, i didn't push myself to due to lack of motivation and fear of time wastage. But alright, advice heeded and damn it is effective. Honestly, it's not as mentally-tiring as long-d and the aches you get are much more satisfactory because you really strain yourself. I am already enjoying the soreness in the muscles all over my body, especially at my non-existent-but-slowly-forming abs area and the thighs, calves and shin areas. :) Fellow friends who are dissatisfied with their body and love exercising, should totally try doing sprints.


The routine for my next few weeks would be to do 10x100m sprints + 2x400m run at least 3 times a week! :) It'll only take you about 30min including rest time between sets. What I did:


1. 2 rounds on the track to warm up

2. Stretch adequately and fully every muscle that was strained from neck to ankle

3. Get the playlist of your itouch/phone ready

4. Sprint a distance of 100m at your best speed, imagine that you're competing in a competition

5. Walk 100m back to your starting point, following the tempo of your music to keep the momentum going

6. Once you reach your starting point, re-sprint the set 4 more times. Your speed will drop after each set, but just keep doing it till 5 sets are completed

7. Rest for 3 minutes, drink water and hydrate yourself

8. Finish up the last 5 sets. Remember to push yourself to sprint at full speed even though you're already perspiring like crazy

9. Lastly and most importantly, STREEEEETTTTCCCCHHHHHH fully and adequately from neck to ankle

10. Go home do something productive and enjoy the muscleaches the following day! ;)


As the set will take you around 30min plus minus depending on your own sprinting speed, it's not very time-consuming so I'd advice you to keep to this weekly routine 3-4 times a week and give yourself 1 day to rest for the muscles to recover before resuming the sprints. The time of exercise that I'd suggest is btwn 8-9am before the merciless morning sun hits you or 3-4pm when the sun rests its rays for awhile or 6-7pm before the the sky turns dark. I did my sprints on the running track to be aware of the distance.


Unfortunately, I'm aware of 1 area of concern on this exercise: the impact on the knee. My advice for this isn't professional, but it might help for you to take more milk and calcium to boost your bones cos I drink a lot of milk and never had knee issues. Secondly, you can cushion your knee by wearing knee guards if you're already concerned about old age problems. It's never too late to start taking care of your body. ;) Well, I don't think you need to worry about getting stubby legs, because the hope of you attaining a toned butt, a pair of hot and firm legs and leaner overalls makes it worth trying out.


Just a short post on something else I'm passionate about - fitness. :) Hope it's helpful!

Do update me if you reap any significant result from doing so! I'll keep my blog updated on my side too! :)


Stay active and healthy all!

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