21 Dec 2012

Picnic & staycation with Reelity Showdown Girls!

Finally, i get some time to blog about my personal life.
There're too much going on in my life and it's a pity that my blogging efficiency is not high enough to produce a blog post daily for memory's keepsake on my (open) online diary. 

The past 2 meetups of Reelity Showdown girls hadn't been complete as we took turns to be busy. -.- 2 weekends ago, we finally successfully got everyone's asses down for a picnic. Jessica was so kind to invite us to an MBS hotel staycation even though she could have reserved the room for her bf and herself. Thanks so much dear for having us on your mind! <3 

2nd time at Marina Barrage for a picnic with girlfriends and the experience was still as awesome. 
The group of girls are relative new friends to me but the 6 of us could click so well with our overlapping interests and hobbies.

Even though not everyone stick to the block colours / floral print theme set by Juli, the natural greens and blues at Marina barrage compensated for the colours. :) I'm so loving the colours in all our picnic pics! :) Gotta thank Jess for the awesome DSLR to enhance the colours of the photos!

Left to right: Juli, Amanda, Jayme, Diana and Jessica 

Picture was taken before the sun came hard mercilessly on us later in the afternoon. 
Lesson learnt: 4pm till 7pm is the best time for picnic because not only can you escape the sun, the evening breeze and the decent amount of not-so-scorching sunlight gives you perfect photo effects! <3 I gotta say I don't really look good in photos amidst the wind. Got my hair all over the face and disclosing my very huge face. zz.

I prepared cheese tofu and egg mayonnaise sandwiches (as usual) and brought a full bottle of hersheys syrup and california cheesy cream dip. Unfortunately, my cheese tofu became a lil soggy cos of condensation but everyone still finished my full container of them! ^^ Juli contributed her Korean rice wine and damn i love them! Sweet, creamy with a little tinge of sourness. Where to buy them! I wants!! Jessica baked chocolate mint brownies and even tho they looked crushed up and messy, the flavour was heavenly. I'm sure le bf will love it, but sorry hor i can't bake. Can't wait to try Shiberty's salted caramel cupcake which was claimed to be her BEST CUPCAKE flavour which is prelaunched. Amanda brought loads of healthy bites like carrots, cherry tomatoes, ham and salad. (Y) Jayme and Diana bought the most important utensils, plates and drinks, which were much needed especially under the killer sun. 

And of course, we ordered a 15-piece crispy chicken from KFC. This is the least popular food out of all surprisingly due to some direction issues of the delivery man. -.- Apparently, he only learnt that Marina barrage and Gardens by the bay are different places. Okay can. By the time he arrived, our chicken pieces had already became soft, thus causing all of us to lose the mood to eat them cos we had already filled ourselves up with the other food.

Jess goofing around with her cool umbrella. Unique isn't it?
This new technology flips upwards to capture the sunrays. Ok bullshit. HAHA. 

Perfect backdrop with the pretty ladies. <3
(minus the kids and unglam uncles and aunties)

Perfect jump shot.
Well-trained bloggers. haha.

Glittering under the sun. 

Would photoshop away the bags if i know how. 
Aiyo Amanda so hiao here. keke.

Cute aren't they! Juli and her dancer style pose. At the expense of Jess. LOL.

HAHA Jayme mad cute here. And Diana's skin looks milky under the sun. 

Hair-whipping. Whoosh~

Trying the alternative angle. LOL at Jayme. 

Hugeass octopus kite! OMGBBQWTF!

Jayme and Diana had to leave for their other appointments. So, we chopchop headed back to our amazingly beautiful room at MBS for our.....:D

We made plans to do an early pre-christmas present exchange and all of the girls are soooo thoughtful in their presents prepartion. I love all of handmade presents, as well as the makeup and beauty products. Well, guess it wasn't so hard to think of what presents to get for the fellow girls huh.

Just look at them all. So well-wrapped up with heart shapes, ribbons and pretty present wrappers. Mine was just the ugly block of white cloth at the corner. Ooops.

My share of presents. Even though my present wasn't the prettiest, but it's full of sincerity ok cos I personally imprinted everyone's url name on the totes I bought from Muji. It came in handy for all of us as an extra bag to keep all the wonderful presents heavy and loaded with love! Makeup from Juli and Jess, useful cardholder and nail polish from Manda, handmade hair accessories from Diana and a huge practical bottle of pink shower gel from Jayme. All sho girlie!!! <3

Modeling the pretty handmade ribbons from Diana! :)

Wore the ribbons up to the infinity pool to act chio (not swim lol)

A shot together before we head up! Aiyo all sho pretty, i can't even.

We were all lazy to bring our cameras down cos we wanted to capture the beautiful scenery of the MBS infinity pool without having to worry about our valuables. So, no pictures of the swimming session. In fact, I'm kinda regretting it now because the picturesque view was really breathtaking and such a waste of not camwhoring with the majestic view as our backdrop! Nonetheless, our time spent together at the infinity pool was true quality bonding time. We were stripped down to our minimum wear in the chilly pool and pouring our dirty secrets and flaunting sexy dance moves (only the dancer, guess who) to one another. It's really really heartening. I'd love love love to have another round of memorable HTHT with them again!!! :)

Following the dip in the most beautiful pool in Singapore, it was supper time at Makan Sutra~
Damn, that was quite a loong walk from MBS across the Helix Bridge towards the Esplanade area.
Loads of exercising that night also equates to the excuse to indulge in sinful local delights. Oyster omelette, bbq chicken wings, carrot cake, lime juice, satay, hokkien mee, you name it, we ate it. :p

Ceaseless events following one after the other.
By the time we finished supper it was already 1am? But to maximize the usage of the hotel room for our girlie gathering, we fought the ZZZ monster and stayed on. Juli brought her entire cutie minnie mouse luggage and we were wondering what she brought to the staycation. HER ENTIRE COLLECTION OF OPI + CHINA GLAZE nail polishes!!! We've always claimed that both of us have some type of affinity and chemistry from the very start after being teamed up for Reelity Showdown and realising that we have the same best-angle, same love for makeup (though she's more professional), same passion for bright colours, same interest in singing and sometimes only she could catch my humour (others were being slow ok, i am funny sometimes. :p). Anw, digessed. My point here is, I LOVE HER NAIL POLISH COLOURS SO MUCH!! Not as much as Jessica though. She wanted to bring the 3 entire bags of nail polishes home at first sight. Lol.


Actually, in the end I didn't get too involved in the manicure session because I still had gelish nail polish on. (if you're not into manicure, gelish nail polish are those that can stay on your nails without getting chipped off for 1 month and will only look ugly when the nails grow out) 

Very quickly, we proceeded on to the very last activity of the night at about 3+am.
MAKEUP SESSION!!! OUR FAVOURITE!!! Which rapidly culminated to a disastrous time for our faces that night. You'll get to see why. 

Naked face. 

Looking naive cos I didn't know what would happen to my face when i put it in the hands of 3 vicious women. :x 

So everyone had to back-face the mirror during the makeup session and was only allowed to turn our heads to get the shock of our lives after the 'masterpiece' was done.
I was instructed not to open my eyes at all throughout the entire session. You can't imagine how anxious I was about how my face would turn out when I was staring into emptiness and holding that precious but badly-abused eye shadow palette of Juli's. (Pst, thanks for sacrificing your beauty palette with us that night. It was really so much fun!! Hope it wassn't a bitch to clean it up. Love ya!) 

I couldn't see anything but they commentated until like my face quite chio after the crazy face-painting. 

Never has my face been in this colourful state before. Lol.
Looking like a sexy foxy vixen somemore.
The perks of being the first before the rest figure out how to exploit makeup on faces.
Mine fortunately had the least damage done because the 2 main artists are a professional makeup and beauty blogger and the other a cake designer.
What do you think? HAHAHA.

I've always taken pride in my art in primary and secondary school. So i was confident to transform Manda's face into something abstract yet artistic. LOL.

Only did the brows, ribbon and the anime tearstream.

Quite nice eh. I like. HAHAH. 

We were quite shagged out by the time it was Jess's turn. So sorry, forgot to take pics of the process of your face-painting! Anw, we realised that everyone's face has a theme by then!
Jess was le WEATHER GIRL, chiefly designed by Juli. HAHA.
LOOK AT JULI'S FACE HERE!!! Last in the row and totally dreading what might become of her face.

And so, the project commenced and it honorably had the most effort, time and dedication contributed on.
Can you already guess what theme it is? LOL.
Amanda totally mocking the cute poor thing waiting impatiently for the process to be over.  

Masterpiece of the night was themed MERRY CHRISTMASS!!



P/s: I'm in the midst of recording my Christmas cover despite my very serious sore throat and cough. I'm hoping that it wouldn't turn out awesome even though my voice sounds a lil different and weak. :/ WHY DOES MY VOICE HAS TO GO ON A HOLIDAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS!? :( Wish me the best man.

Anyway, here's my fb page! Support please! xo 

Other channels to stalk me:
Twitter: @ZiweiSandy
Instagram: ZiweiSandy
Youtube: Ziweisandy 

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