7 Jul 2012

My last uni holiday to be THIS happening! :p


It's been a month since i last blogged. I shall attempt to cramp and summarize my May and June here. :D
Of course, I won't have the patience to record every single event I've attended.
Shall only write on some highlights of the first 2 months of my last holiday in my last year as a student.
TOO HAPZ ALREADY! :D (I'll apologise here in advance for my adrenaline rush over wad's below)

Here's a rough summary:
1. Bangkok trip (end of May)
2. Arts Camp 2012 (mid-June)
3. Timura outings and birthday celebrations (end of June)
4. Powerpsych girls' Picnic (29th June)
5. Strictly Pancakes date (just yesterday) ;D
6. Misc: Driving, tuition, recording, work
7. Top news :p
(Omg so many things to update here in my tiny corner, don't know where to start!! Ok backwards, here we go.)

Life has been soooooo good to me. Seriously, I've never felt THIS BLESSED in my past 21 years.
I've tweeted this quote many times: "2012 can only get better" and it's never truer. :D
Well, it could also be a sign that I've grown a lil to better learn how to count my blessings. I take this as a blessing too since there're many obstinate ones out there who refuse to cherish what they have.

TOP NEWS 1: Year 3 Sem 3 CAP

Got my year 3 sem 3 results when I was in Bangkok and this is gonna be the first time (and hopefully there's a next) that I dare to put up my semester CAP on my blog. :x Whooping 3.9! :D (Damn good for a low-flyer like me :D) OK LA, not overall cap. Don't need to WHOA~ Generally I did scored well in Animal behavior, Psychosocial of Emotions and Adolescent Psych. Don't take mods under A n n e t t. Can crash her lectures cos she's an awesome prof, but her exam questions, esp MCQs are killers. Anyway, old me is gonna do  my last semester in a month's time and I heard that I can merely just do 2 modules!!! OMGOMGOMG. :D Aim for CAP 5.0 yo~ Who's in with me! Might join a dance CCA for fun and exercise. Who want to join with meeeeeeee!!!?!?? Any suggestion?

TOP NEWS 2: Fully sponsored Genting trip

I GOT SHORTLISTED FOR A FULLY-SPONSORED 3D2N FOOD TRIP TO GENTING WITH LADYIRONCHEF! MANY MANY THANKS TO NUFFNANG SINGAPORE. :D I'm really too fortunate. :') Unfortunately for Leonard, the accompanying partner is required to pay quite a steep sum of $285. But after dividing the cost, it's quite worth it for either of us. :):) Below is the itinerary! Pampered ttm. I just learnt how to use the manual functions of my G12, so I'm hoping to put what I figured out in good use for this trip!


I CAN'T WAIT TO HAVE MY OWN CAR! Driving is pretty fun, but only when you're driving with a clear mind that's not plagued by fatigue. As I'm learning how to drive a manual car under a private instructor, I learnt that it's all about the control, especially on the left foot, on the clutch! Challenging on one hand but the sense of achievement after every lesson on the other is keeping me going. Stopped at reverse parking last lesson. Shall see what he has in place for me this coming Friday. Eggcited! (updates: I learnt reverse parking again today. Change direction only. But i got praises! :D:D)


I've been really bz with arts camp and the endless yet comforting socializing/bonding outings.
Sorry friends! There have been so many songs on my mind that I'm putting on loop on my iTouch to get familiar with but I'm so short of time! If only if only if only, i can do this full time. I'd totally not mind doing this  full time and being paid for this. Well, just a dream. I wanna learn video-editing and sound engineering too. When when when~ Sneakie: Rihanna next <3 Training up ok~


For those who hasn't been following my past entries on my boasts, I'm working as a Research Assistant under Dr Neo and currently stationed at Probation Branch Services. Sad to say, there're quite a bit of hiccups on work schedule and my ever-so-fun(ny) colleagues have been brooding over it like me. There is also only 1 first and last pay day for most of us - end of the entire project in Aug. (but we started work in May! :x) Fortunately, i'm not really short of $ - thankgod for my tutoring job! No matter what, I really love the level of commitment i gotta put in for the job. This max of 2workingdays/week schedule leaves me slightly more time for other important aspects of life. Lucky lucky. :D


Thankgod for this source of income which I totally enjoy working for too. ;D I'm glad that all my students are improving at least. 5-6 students to teach per week but I doubt I'll have to drop any of them cos only 2 mods next sem! (Can't get over it. Hehehe)

Sweet sweet pictures time~ :D

A date at Strictly Pancakes! 

Side by side, you were sleeping next to me~

Nutella Milkshake!
Super rich and chocolatey. Awesome choice to order it for our sweet teeth. :B

Fattening garlic butter and maple syrup. 
My suggestion: Do not pour the maple syrup over the garlic buttered prawn pancakes
because the syrup is so sweet that it will take away the creamy buttery taste of your dish. 

Just look at this baby. 
Review: The garlic butter sauce is just optimally delicious. 
Fresh shrimps with baby cherries = perfect ingredients for any prawny dish~ :3
My only problem with this is that it's too filling!! 
I surrendered 1 pancake to Leonard and he's more than willing to take those fats. :D

Beef me up pancakes with sauteed mushies! 
Conspicuously less filling than the garlic buttered prawns.



Enjoy some of my artistic snapshots from an Arts Exhibition at SOTA~ ;D
Tell me if i have a tiny tinge of talent? :p

Oh, my favourite art piece. <3

Powerpsych ColourBurst Picnic!

Drinks + Green tea (soup LOL) by Siyi

Sushi + handrolls by Shenn

Japanese salad by Qian

Agar jelly by Mj

Cheese tofu, crabmeat, Valley chef sausage + egg mayo sandwich by meee 

I am super in love with Shenn's photog skills <3<3
Gonna miss you babe!! :'(

Enjoy the chiobu pics~ No need to thank me.

Kite-gazing look. HAHA EPIC ONE! :p

Prop: 20-dollar kite

Model: Meijun

Model: Qianhua

Model: Shenn

Model: Siyi
Pose: Captain America HAHAHAA

Model: Ziwei (me!)
Pose: ...

Friends for life ok, my powerpsych girls~

First pic taken of me with such a breathtaking sunset. ;')

Message to my girls: 
I have forgotten how we've gotten so close and so interdependent on one another.
But I have such seamless gratitude contained in me for you girls and
no language has the sophistication to describe how indebted I feel towards all of you. 

They're always ALWAYS supportive, helpful, thoughtful, dedicated, hilarious, fuzzy and sweet to me and one another. 
There was one incident whereby all of them skipped about half of an important lecture just to give me a surprise birthday celebration. 
I had never expected them to put in that amount of planning and effort on me so unconditionally cos I didn't even give them any. 
Super touched by what i just wrote HAHA, so girls,
Lots of love for the <PPG3

Arts camp 2012: Timura, best OG of all time

Hi, let me introduce the only Arts Camp OG that's too cool for school. :p
Awesome OGLs Val and Fangying for T1 this year! 

Even though the OG doesn't meet up every single day, i'm glad to say that I see that 
they are able to forge very strong bonds and friendships among themselves. 
Absence probably makes the hearts fonder and I love seeing the freshies + seniors look forward to every outing and cherish them. :) Stay strong and tight T1! O'week best OG already lah. 

Junyong looks like an otter here! hahahaha..

All the T1 seniors! :D

Pics taken at Wenjie's (best ogl ever) 23rd birthday party organized by a few ex-freshies. :p
Going down in order from the most mature generation to the most childish generation. :p
I love playing with words. HAHAHA. 

Hikotopeiwenkaykoral, wenjie and amira (SIA STEWARDESS!)

Hugs and I are the only young-at-heart Year 4 seniors left. 

You can see the numbers slowly increasing as you scrow down. 

Year 3s!

Ex-freshies. My freshies when i was a councillor!

The Timura babies! Hehehe why all so cute and alive one. 

Timura outing #1: Sadako in 3d, Saizeriya for dinner and ...

Beer Market for drinks! $2 honey wings ftw!!

Timura outing #2: The Amazing Spiderman, very bad chicken rice (the stall nearby Rocher Tauhuey at Selegie Rd) and 豆浆油条 for supper. 

Looking forward to KTV Potluck house party at Ruth's this coming Sunday yo! :D:D

Bangkok trip 2012!

Best company for the shopping trip already. :):)

Jasmine, my new Thai friend brought me to this REALLY ATAS seaside seafood restaurant called the
Ko Lanta Suvanabhumi Restaurant. 
The sculptures there look pretty scary to me tho they're supposedly authentic. 
But the sea view and decor lightings were WAHHHHH BREATHTAKING. 
It's pretty romantic. Still got swans and ducklings swimming nearby in the synthetic pond one! Super cutes. :p

The food there is SEXPENSIVE. Sex = Oysters are super fresh + are the size of my palm. Not kidding. 
Expensive = 40sgd (2000 baht?!) vs Phuket food about 10sgd for a better than decent feast.
But I must say that it's an experience not to be missed.
Will bring more money for more palm-sized oysters next year for another shopping trip. :p 
See, already plan hao liao. Who wants to join me!!!!!! Let me know nao!

Hotel: Citin Pratunam
It's just located very near Pratunam Market = very near to Platinum Mall = Shopping heaven. :D:D
Awww man, i miss this bed already. Comfy ttm. :D

Pardon me for the lousy photo quality. I didn't know how to use the manual function of my cam
but now I'm slightly better! ;D

My trip was a 5d4n trip, but as we kinda wanna cut cost on air tics,
our flight was in the afternoon = we only reached Bkk at 8pm = dinner at 10pm 

Venue: Kao shan night market 
I highly recommend this night market! Love this night market the best!

Pet shop for the bitch in the pic.
Nah, just kidding. 
Awesome bro/owner of B-zai (his baby pet chihwahwa) shopping for doggie clothes. 

Somehow the drink cart-stall uncles are very anal about keeping their precious Coke glass bottles,
so this is what we get to contain our drink = plastic bag. -.-
But not to worry, they're quite clean, no tummyache or whatsoever. :)

Temporary tattoo stall along the night market. 
This hand with pretty nails belong to Jasmine and the temp-tattoo artist has intricate workmanship man!

Bird's nest break at Chinatown (located very near to Kaoshan)
Sorry but I didn't really like it even though i believe that it's really really good for my skin.
Tasteless one!

Why is Jasmine so pretty and cute! #lifeisunfair

A&W!!!!!!!! *faints*

Kway Chap at Platinum mall - look and taste healthier than Singapore's

Dinner at Maldives resort bar!
Timbre-like ambience + yummy authentic food!
Got pool table, live band, look-down balcony tables!

Best taste balance between the spices!
Ingredients: Coconut milk, chicken, lemon grass, galangal (ginger)
Sadly, I haven't found any restaurant or friends who can cook this yet in Singapore. 

Pre-clubbing seafood supper at some lupsup-looking place with the best service and staff. 

Guess the age of the gal between Jasmine and I. 
5 years older den me! 
Bu xiang hor!? #lifeisunfair
That fateful unfortunate night, i lost my wallet too.
With about 1.4k baht inside, 3 credit cards and my ez link card.
Made calls back to sg to cancel the cards and the calls costed me 70$ fml. k stop.

Nah, the legendary Platinum fashion mall for you.

Weekend morning with the grumpy faces behind me


Camwhore 1

Glutinous mango rice yo! Cost only about 3sgd there but 8sgd in Singapore. -.-
Aiya next time i learn how to make it myself.


Camwhore 2

Cages are connotative of sadness but they made it so pretty!

The famous clock tower of Chatuchak! :)

Leo and I love love love the pets zone da best! <3

Roadside sotong = epic-ly tasty! Ownage!

Cos we're stylo milo yo~ :D

CK shoe-shopping at MBK. 
#leonardisforeveronhisiphone #justsaying #stillcutelah<3

Favourite steakhouse at MBK

Lobster soup

Birthday celebration with the boss of Kaplan Singapore at Bangkok. 
Thankgod for leo's mummy for the sumptuous treat! :p 

Leo's aunty! Got resemblance?


Virgin thai massage experience!
2am-3am enjoyment only at Bkk. 
I felt really awkward at the start when my masseur kept staring at me and smiling while touching and pressing every part of my body. 
But sho comfy after i adapted to the constant pressure applied on my body to relax all the muscles. :D 

Leo's masseur fell down while twisting his back. HAHAHA. 

Fried squid (that looks like Sg's carrot cake) along Pratunam Market 

Emo faces at Bkk's departure hall.

Camwhore 3

Camwhore 4

Camwhore 5

On cloud nine!

Multicoloured gemmed crown ring :D
Guess the cost? 1sgd omtian! #mustgobangkokeveryyear

Bags, shorts, jeans, skirts, hat, fan, dresses, dekor, sandals, flats, tops, basic tanks, wallet, pouch ...
(I just bought 80bucks worth of dresses/tops from lovebonito warehouse sale today #guilty cos i haven't worn some clothes from bkk yet)

Good nights peeps! 

Look foward to my next blog foodie post on my fully sponsored genting trip okai!?! 
Imma try smth cool, like videoing the entire trip. Just saying only. See how.

<3 all my friends!

Ziwei :):)

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