31 Dec 2011

44th @ Sentosa

Some notices b4 i start the entry proper.
Check out my "Pic of the moment" by clicking on the photos for captions!
I'll post fresh photos from my itouch/milktooth(my bb) everyday for your eye pleasure! Keke.

I guess some of you may be expecting some bikini photos since this entry is titled Sentosa and Sentosa is usually closely associated with the beach.
Yup, Leo and I kicked off the long-awaited full-day 44th monthniversary celebration at the beach but sorry, too fat now to only be clad in bikini. Sigh. The picnic was a satisfactory success even though we were quite turned off by the hugeass crowd dominated by AN and AT.
I prepared the egg mayo sandwich and brought some home-cooked chicken wings while Leo('s maid) made the salad and fried seaweed chicken. Bought some (not so awesome) salmon sushi and (very yummeh!) honey-baked ham from Vivo to check all the items on the list of cravings before heading to Sentosa. :3

Camwhored and nuahed at the beach awhile b4 we took the Sentosa segway.
First time taking it and i thought it was quite a cool transport to travel short distances that would cater to lazy peepz. It's rather exciting to ride on it because the foot pads are so sensitive that you only need to lean forward/backwards/left/right very slightly to get the electric vehicle to move. But in order to enjoy the ride, you ought to have a decent sense of balance and some liking for adventure. :D
Here's a pic, just in case you suaku dunno what is the hiphip segway! :p

After the segway experience, we took the skyride up to Imbiah station to take the Jewel cable car. Been such a looong time since i took the Singapore cablecar. The last time I sat in a cablecar was at Hongkong 2 years ago. The view from Singapore's Jewel cable car is definitely not as breathtaking as that from HK's cable car which passed through many forests, hills and seas. However, it gives you a good overview of the whole of Sentosa, especially Resorts World and its upcoming villas and resorts that are still under construction.

Totally enjoyed myself that night in the cable car. Never make out lah! (cos we had to share a cable car cabin with another Indian family.) Hehe.
I like heart-to-heart-talk with my bee. :D I realised that over these 44 months, the topics of our conversations have changed to become more mature and forward-looking. I love how we can clique from the common topics, especially about Psychology. :D I love how he's cute to me only. :D:D

The 2-way cable car ride back to the Luge lasted for only 30min. Raced down the "Dragon trail" with the lousy bee on the Luge thereafter. 3rd time on the Luge and I still love it. I think I'm cut out for driving man since I'm naturally good (and better than Leo) at the Luge, ATV and segway. :p But I need to save up enough to start with my practicals now that I've found ourselves a driving instructor, thanks to weeteck, my primary schoolmate!

I shall let the pics do the illustration of my perfect 26/12/11 :D

For complete picture album on fb link, click here!


Love you bee!


P/s: Gonna update on my last few days of 2011 spent at Night Safari, the Zoo, belated X'mas dinner with the bros in the next few entries. :D
28 Dec 2011

Just curious :3

I find it neater to post pics on my blog as slideshows, yet I enjoy reading entries with pics lined down the web page. Let me know your view pretty please? :D Anonymity is assured.

[polldaddy poll=5789001]

27 Dec 2011

My X'mas week! :D



  1. Dinner at The Asian Kitchen

  2. KTV @ Topone and dinner @ MOF with M, K and C :D

  3. Dinner @ Marche with Family <3 + photo-taking & shopping at Orchard Road

  4. Bought earrings and ear studs for myself. Love the fluffy feathery ones!

  5. Dinner @ Kenny Rogers

  6. X'mas + Dad's advanced birthday celebration at home. FEAST! :D

  7. Got a cutiepie 4Gb Hello Kitty Thumbdrive from Leobee. <3 Useful and kawaii! Love it.



Christina Aguilera - Express (Burlesque)

Damn i wanna be #likeachristina!!! I will attain that power level, i promise.

[vodpod id=Video.5978530&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26]

Pic of the moment :D

Revamped the blog theme to a prettier one. :) Feels happier blogging to a more girly site :D

Currently chillaxing under the late afternoon sun with bee @ Siloso beach. :D

Lots of AN & AT here. :/
Way tooooooooo crowded for a weekday afternoon. :/

Picnic by the beach was a success. :) With homemade/cooked chicken wings, seaweed chicken, salad, egg mayo sandwich, honey-baked ham, salmon sushi & bottled pepsi-twist. :D
Uploaded some pics to flickr, check out "Pic of the moment". :)

Hope bee likes his new 44th monthniversary/X'mas gifts. :3

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